Cholesterol-lowering drugs such as Lipitor have long been controversial due to research on dangers they’ve been linked to, and now one leading holistic health website is sounding the alarm over the rising number of lawsuits being filed against cholesterol drug manufacturers. According to a report from Health Impact News, there [...]
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Monthly Archives July 2014
Watch as Farmers Hack Away at the Nightmarish ‘Superweed That Can’t Be Killed’ (with Video)
By now you’ve probably heard the news that superweeds have been ravaging genetically modified crops and making life miserable for thousands of farmers who were promised easier workloads and higher yields from genetically modified crops. Superweeds resistant to glyphosate, the main chemical component of the best-selling and highly controversial Monsanto [...]
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Former McDonald’s Global President Has Ambitious Plans for “Health-Conscious” Fast Food Restaurant Chain
The search for healthier fast food and even fast casual restaurants has been a long and mostly fruitless one, but new ideas are hitting the mainstream, including an emerging chain, LYFE Kitchen, spearheaded by a former McDonald’s global president. The former president, Mike Roberts, also teamed up with Mike Donahue, [...]
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You’ve Heard of Individual People Suing McDonald’s Before. Now, a Whole Country is Doing It
According to recent reports, Russia’s consumer protection agency is filing a claim accusing the McDonald’s fast food restaurant chain of being in violation of nutritional and safety codes, and now, some of the U.S. chain’s most popular foods could end up being banned. While McDonald’s has run afoul of consumers [...]
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Stonyfield Responds to Vermont Lawsuit Controversy: “We Support Labeling…and GMOs Aren’t Allowed in Our Products”
As far as the larger organic companies go, Stonyfield Organic yogurt has been one of the more exemplary ones, pledging ongoing support for GMO labeling while keeping its products GMO-free and organic even as their business has scaled up over the years. The company, which was featured in the blockbuster [...]
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Mother Shocked After Ice Cream Sandwich Lasts 12 Hours in the Heat Without Melting (with Video)
The food we eat has changed more in the past few decades that at any point in human history, and one mother was reminded of that fact loud in clear recently in Cincinnati after discovering one of her son’s ice cream sandwiches that had been left outside. Christie Watson of [...]
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Michigan Officials Dump Thousands in Organic Food, Crack Eggs One-by-One (with Video)
Government-sponsored raids of organic family farms have become more commonplace in recent years, and the latest one has resulted in the waste of thousands of dollars of organic farm-fresh food in one of the most economically depressed states in the union. Michigan’s My Family Co-Op was raided on Monday, July [...]
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Stonyfield Yogurt, Other Organic Companies Among Members of Anti-GMO Labeling Lawsuit Organization
It’s no secret that more and more organic companies are being bought up by larger corporations that threaten to water down organic standards, but there are plenty of organic companies that consumers have grown to know and trust. Among them are the Stonyfield organic yogurt company, a transparent, fully organic [...]
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The Spoils of Going GMO-Free: Chipotle Stock Hits an All-Time High After Announcing “Blockbuster Earnings”
According to a report from CNN Money, the fast-casual burrito chain Chipotle, based in Denver, CO, hit an all-time high in the stock market on Tuesday as its shares soared by 12%. The rise came a day after the chain released its quarterly report, which noted that Chipotle made $3.50 [...]
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A Journalist Asked a Former Monsanto VP (and Current FDA Food Safety Czar) About a Conflict of Interest..His Answer Shows What Kind of People We’re Dealing With
When browsing the newswire for mainstream media stories about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and foods, a familiar pattern emerges: there are many important facts that are always left off the table, giving readers and incomplete picture of what’s really happening. Case in point: the fact that current FDA JD Deputy [...]
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