The Top Eight Richest Vegetable and Herb Sources of Vitamin C May Surprise You


Vitamin C is typically thought of as being exclusive to fruits and supplements, but the truth is that the crucial nutrient can also be found in a wide variety of vegetables.

That’s good news because the world is generally quite deficient in Vitamin C according to a 2020 study published in the journal Nutrients, which found that “vitamin C hypovitaminosis and deficiency is common in low- and middle-income countries and not uncommon in high income settings.”

While the world was focused on COVID-19, the mainstream media completed ignored the fact that most people are deficient in one of the most important vitamins for immune system function. 

It’s just part of the reason why as many as 6 in 10 Americans currently have a chronic disease, COVID notwithstanding.

The same study above also stated that the problem was so advanced that there is currently “a need for (Vitamin C) interventions to prevent deficiency in a rage of at-risk groups and regions of the world.”

As the world focused on vaccinations, nutritional deficiencies, one of the root causes of disease, were swept under the rug once again, while millions continued to suffer.


Top Eight Vegetable and Herb Sources of Vitamin C

Aside from the more well known sources of Vitamin C like oranges and fortified foods, the vitamin can also be found in a large variety of vegetables.

Vitamin C is useful for the following benefits, among others:

-Healing wounds

-Repairing and maintaining bones and teeth

-Helping the body make collagen, which is needed to create blood vessels, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and skin.

-Potentially helping to manage high blood pressure

–Potentially lowering your risk of heart disease

If you can’t always get oranges or high vitamin C superfoods like camu camu (the top overall source of Vitamin C that is also found in supplement form), amla berry, acerola cherry or similar sources, eating lots of the following vegetables can help boost your levels quickly.

Also, remember to buy them organic, preferably from small, local organic farmers, whenever possible since our soil and food have lost a high amount of nutrients since the post World War 2 era of farming began.

The list of the top eight Vitamin C containing vegetables is as follows:


1. Chili Peppers-

Just one green chili pepper contains 109 milligrams of Vitamin C, which accounts for 121% of the daily value.

A red chili pepper is almost as effective, containing 65 mg, or 72% of the daily value.

These peppers also contain capsaicin according to, which is the compound found in organic cayenne pepper responsible for reducing inflammation and pain in the body.

These hot peppers rev up your circulation while delivering much needed Vitamin C to your tissues for reparative purposes, a win-win in every sense of the definition.

Just be extra careful to buy these organic, because non-organic hot peppers could be “extraordinatily toxic” according to recent research.

2. Sweet Yellow Peppers-

The Vitamin C content of sweet peppers increases as they mature according to Healthline, with one half-cup providing 152% of your daily value of Vitamin C.

3. Thyme-

Often grown in herb gardens or used in Mediterranean cooking, thyme has more Vitamin C than oranges gram for gram and one of the highest concentrations of Vitamin C in all cooking herbs.

One ounce of fresh thyme provides 50% of your daily value of Vitamin C.

Simply sprinkling one to two tablespoons of thyme on your salads, appetizers or entrees can help provide support for your immune system in a profound way while protecting your body against viruses and bacteria and helping to clear your body of infected cells.

4. Parsley-

Two tablespoons of fresh parsley contains 10 mg of Vitamin C, or 11% of the daily value.

By consuming it in a full sized salad such as tabbouleh, you will be revving up your Vitamin C levels in a healthy way while also increasing your body’s ability to absorb the blood-building mineral iron, protecting against anemia.

5. Mustard Spinach-

One cup of raw chopped mustard spinach is enough to provide 217% of your daily value of Vitamin C, and cooked mustard greens can still provide over 100% of your daily value.

While mustard spinach and greens may not sound too appetizing, it should also be noted that most dark leafy greens contain a respectable amount of Vitamin C as well, so you may want to try making a giant, healing salad (watch this naturopathic doctor’s video for more information if you have a chance) from as many dark, leafy organic greens as possible if you’re looking to reverse Vitamin C deficiency and heal your body from any dis-ease condition from the inside-out.

Check with a doctor first if you’re on blood thinners or other medications, however, as some patients are advised to avoid eating dark, leafy greens due to the potential for harmful interactions.

6. Kale- One cup of chopped, raw kale provides 80 mg of Vitamin C, or 89% of the daily value according to Healthline.

Kale is one of the most pesticide-soaked vegetables when it’s not purchased organic, however, so be sure to pay a little extra to get the good stuff whenever possible.


7. Broccoli-

From one of, if not the most healing and building classes of vegetables, the cruciferous family, broccoli provides 57% of the daily value of Vitamin C per one-half cup when cooked.

Eating lots of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli can lower oxidative stress while improving immunity and decreasing your risk of cancer and heart disease.

After ten days of eating broccoli, a group of heavy smokers were shown to have nearly a 50% reduction in one type of inflammatory protein.

By eating lots of healthy, organic vegetables like these, your need to consume citrus fruits or Vitamin C supplements will be drastically reduced (although variety is almost always a good thing when it comes to health).

8. Brussels Sprouts-

Brussels sprouts provide a similar Vitamin C boost to broccoli at 54% daily value for one half-cup, and these sprouts are also loaded with fiber, vitamins and minerals, especially when eaten organic.

The Vitamin C found in these cruciferous vegetables also may aid in the formation of collagen, which improves the formation of new hair, skin, and nails and fills in the fibrous part of your bones to greatly reduce the risk of hip fractures and osteoporosis.

To conclude, Vitamin C is a nutrient that is often overlooked, but critical for healing up and building the body, and the immune system, in countless ways.

The recommended daily value is a great place to start if you’re wondering how much to get, but don’t be limited by this number as it is simply a guideline.

Many doctors and mainstream health sources state that too much Vitamin C could be a bad thing for various reasons, and it is important to consult with them if you believe you may be getting too much.


However, there are also documented cases of gravely ill patients receiving large amounts of oral Vitamin C through raw, organic healing foods, and using these nutrients to recover from diseases previously thought to be “incurable,” as detailed in the book ‘The Hundred Year Lie’ by Randall Fitzgerald.

Personally, I feel my best when I eat as many of these vegetables as possible, until my body cries uncle, so to speak.

They are not a cure-all by any stretch of the imagination, but nothing is, as you’ve probably discovered by now.

Experimentation, variety and consistency of healing organic foods, pure water, and supplements is almost always your best bet for overall healing, and these Vitamin C rich vegetables should be a big part of your routine as time goes on.

Thanks as always for reading!


Nicholas J. Meyer Founder


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About Nick Meyer

Nick Meyer is a journalist who's been published in the Detroit Free Press, Dallas Morning News and several other outlets. He founded AltHealthWORKS in 2012 to showcase extraordinary stories of healing and the power of organic living, stories the mainstream media always seemed to miss. Check out Nick's Amazon best-seller 'Dirt Cheap Organic: 101 Tips For Going Organic on a Budget' by clicking here, as well as its sequel Dirt Cheap Weight Loss.