You’ve Been Drinking Water WRONG Your Whole Life – Leading-Edge Scientist Explains (and How To Fix It)


This is not a sentence you hear every day – you have been drinking water the wrong way your whole life. Is this even possible?

As bioengineer Dr. Gerald Pollack explains in his groundbreaking research on water – yes, yes it is. While drinking water the way we have been won’t exactly kill us, Dr. Pollack’s discovery is monumentally important for the elderly who suffer from chronic dehydration, or when a person is sick with fever or an upset stomach. This discovery can also help people survive in the desert, and hot, humid environments.

To fully understand where he’s coming from, we need to talk about the following aspects: what is dehydration and how many people suffer from it? What is EZ water from Dr. Pollack and how can it potentially change people’s lives? What are other ways to stay hydrated according to this new research?

The first and most important factor is realizing that most of us have and will be dehydrated without often realizing it.

75% of Americans are Chronically Dehydrated

There is a common misconception that a person needs water when they feel thirst. This is actually incorrect and unhealthy – in some places of the world, it’s even fatally dangerous. The body feels thirst when it is already dehydrated, when it’s already dying for water. For those who have worked in extremely hot environments, sometimes feeling thirst is already too late. In the desert, the body does not have time to dehydrate after feeling thirsty, and the person can die from it.

For most of us who will never live in these harsh temperatures, we do not often think of thirst as something being wrong, but it is the body’s cry for help as this dehydration quickly harms your health and can cause:

-Foggy memory
-Poor cognitive functions
-Poor physical performance
-Concentration problems
-Slow metabolism
-Kidney stones

It is easier to identify severe dehydration than mild, chronic dehydration. When severe, dehydration in adults causes extreme thirst, infrequent and dark-colored urine, fatigue, confusion, and dizziness. An infant or a young child will experience dry mouth, lack of tears when crying, irritability, and will have a dry diaper for over three hours. They will also have sunken eyes and cheeks, and a sunken spot on top of the skull.

The causes of this severe dehydration can be an illness with fever, vomiting, or diarrhea; excessive sweating due to an illness, hot and humid weather, and extreme exercising; frequent urination due to a pharmaceutical side effect, diabetes, kidney problems; or a chronic illness; an excess caffeine and alcohol intake; a heat injury; and age – elderly people often have a reduced ability to store water in the body.

But besides severe dehydration, chronic dehydration can be very damaging to the health. Not providing the body with enough water can lead to problems with:

-Temperature regulation
-Waste removal
-Cognitive functions
-Physical performance
-Absorption of vitamins
-Liver and kidney function
-Joint health
-Weight control

As recent research shows, up to 75% of Americans are likely suffering from chronic dehydration.

This also concerns children and adolescents: Harvard research found that at least half are dehydrated.

Up until this point, we have all been told to simply drink more water. But Dr. Pollack challenges this solution.


The Secret To Hydration – The Fourth Phase Of Water

Some call Dr. Pollack’s discovery, the biggest and greatest discovery since Newton and gravity. Working at his water science laboratory at the University of Washington, Dr. Pollack discovered that there are more than three phases of water (solid, liquid, and vapor).

This fourth phase is greatly responsible for our level of hydration, and it goes by many different names: living water or exclusion zone (EZ) water, structured water, ordered water, liquid crystalline water, also referred to as gel water.

Dr. Pollack discovered the fourth phase of water. PHOTO: Washington University

This research also confirmed research about hydration in desert societies by health enthusiast Gina Bria and functional doctor Dana Cohen, M.D. The Incas and the Aztecs both survived weeks without liquid water, and received hydration from chia and cacti – both containing gel water.

This gel water can also come from vegetables and other foods. According to Dr. Pollack up to 90% of water in our bodies comes from these sources.

This finding urges us to understand what gel water is and how to use it.

Gel water has an extra hydrogen and oxygen atom, making its molecular structure a H3O2. Gel water creates structures similar to snowflakes, yet stays in a fluid state. Dr. Pollack suggests that it is this type of water that makes up most of our cells in the body, and that it is much more effective than liquid water. Liquid water alone is not enough for proper hydration.

Eating foods containing gel water can be more beneficial than purely drinking water. Gel water conducts more electricity in the body, making it more efficient. Foods that contain electrolytes, which release electrical charge, are also very important for hydration.

Based on all of these factors, instead of telling the person to drink eight glasses of water a day, Dr. Pollack says that we need to look at an overall diet and lifestyle.

According to Bria’s discoveries, and Dr. Pollack’s research, there are many things one can do to consume more gel water.

Tips on Staying Hydrated with Gel Water

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables, full of gel water and also electrolytes, which help to absorb water better. Especially high in water are cucumbers, strawberries, watermelon, raspberries, spinach, celery, grapefruit, cantaloupe, red cabbage, and carrots. All have over 87% water content.
  • Add lime or lemon to water. The electrolytes in these citrus fruits will help production of gel water.
  • Add a pinch of Himalayan pink salt to your water to add electrolytes as well.
  • Add a teaspoon of chia seeds to your drinks. It works especially well with crushed chia seeds.
  • Cook with coconut or ghee; both are sources of gel water and electrolytes.
  • Try earthing or grounding therapy. This includes walking barefoot on the grass to receive charge from the Earth, or buying earthing products. The electrical charge will can help split the water molecules keeping you hydrated.

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