The word doctor comes from the Latin docco, meaning “to teach.” A doctor is therefore someone who teaches the patient about their condition, their treatment options and which lifestyle changes can prevent the condition from returning. A big part of this should be nutrition, especially for hospital patients recovering [...]
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Monthly Archives December 2015
Documents Reveal: GMO Lobby Targeted Canadian Teenager for Her GMO Activism
As far as bullies stand, there are few bigger in the corporate world (at least on camera) than Kevin O’Leary of Shark Tank fame, who also happens to be a proponent of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). But O’Leary met his match in the summer of the 2013 when he [...]
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Chinese are Buying Bottled Air from Canada as the Smog Worsens (Yes, Really)
What started as a joke became a real product on the market when a Canadian company that makes bottled air found its customer – people from China living in the areas where the smog is so bad, they are willing to try anything. When it started, the company [...]
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6 Horrifying Facts about Chickens: A Wake-Up Call for the Meat Industry
Today about 9 billion chickens are raised for food in the U.S. annually, a staggering 1400% increase from 50 years ago. Back then, the chicken were raised by more than 1.6 million independent farmers, while today less than 30,000 farms — many of them concentrated factory farms — raise billions of [...]
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New Study Finds a Strong Link Between ADHD and Water Fluoridation
As if we needed more reasons to filtrate our water: fluoride has been classified as a neurotoxin, shown to not prevent cavities, and now a 2015 study found a strong correlation between water fluoridation and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the United States, reported Newsweek. The study published [...]
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