The demand for natural food has risen sharply in the past decade or so, and with it, the demand for more natural types of salt, like sea salt and Himalayan pink salt. Despite this demand, most restaurants, ranging from diners to middle tier places to fast food restaurants, [...]
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Monthly Archives February 2020
Eight Foods That Help the Body to Heal Cases of Adrenal Fatigue and Nourish the Adrenals
A lot of people don’t realize that the human body was in fact designed to handle stress — it’s just the type of stress most people deal with currently that presents the biggest problem. The stress of surviving an encounter with a predator as our ancestors faced in the jungles [...]
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Largest Pork Producer in the U.S. Now Owned by $22 Billion Chinese Meat Processing Company
The top producer of pork in the United States, the Smithfield Corporation of Smithfield, Virginia, is well known for its line of sausages, roasts, ribs, bacon and more. These types of processed meats are favorites among United States customers, where they are widely consumed with Sunday breakfasts, at diners and [...]
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Breastfeeding Alone can Help Prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in Over 60% of Cases, Study Finds
SIDs or sudden infant death syndrome is a devastating tragedy in the family: a perfectly healthy baby dying unexpectedly; and no scientist has so far being able to find a reason why. There are many theories that are being discussed, immunizations and their associated toxins being one of them, [...]
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Warning: Deadly Arthritis Drug That Killed Thousands Could Be Back on the Market Again Soon
It is not uncommon for a pharmaceutical company to create a drug with side effects far out-weighing the potential benefits. After a number of patients get hurt, the company gets sued and is forced to pay damages (while still pocketing a large sum of money) and to remove the [...]
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Product Review: An Unrefined Sea Salt Free From Microplastics and Other Junk
With so many different brands of salt out there claiming to be healthy, how can you know which one to buy? A lot depends on the sourcing of the salt, as a recent study reported on by National Geographic found that there’s a 90 percent chance [...]
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Flashback: Watch the Emotional $5 Million Super Bowl Cannabis Commercial that CBS Rejected Before Last Year’s Game
The Super Bowl is the biggest spectacle in modern day American sports, with Feb. 2’s Super Bowl LIV garnering about 102 million viewers on average across both CBS and streaming outlets. The big game is known for its creative and at times dramatic commercials, but health themed advertisements, [...]
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Banned Pregnancy Drug Given to Women in the 50s and 60s Linked to Millions of Cases of ADHD, Study Finds
Every year pharmaceutical drugs are being banned after causing horrendous unexpected—sometimes hidden and lied about—side effects. The ban usually takes place after a row of lawsuits are filed against the drug manufacturer. Unfortunately, for many patients injured, the negative life-changing side effects aren’t discovered until decades too late, and [...]
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Second Monarch Butterfly Activist Found Dead in Mexico
The Monarch butterfly population has taken a beating in recent years, with massive losses reported in many areas but especially along the California coast heading down into Mexico. The butterflies typically migrate along the west coast down through the Golden State and cross the border into Mexico, as [...]
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Male GMO Moths Designed to Kill Females Officially Released Into the Wild For First Time Ever
The genetically modified food experiment has branched out into everything from “designer” GMO human babies to “longer lasting” gene edited foods to genetically modified animals, including the controversial GMO salmon and others still in development. Recently, a whole new application for genetic modification technology has been undertaken [...]
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