If you watch a lot of network TV or cable news shows, chances are you’ve also seen an awful lot of drug commercials. With more and more people taking responsibility for their own health and going the natural route, drug companies are feeling the pressure, and stepping up the [...]
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Monthly Archives January 2021
Two Women in One of World’s Poorest Countries Grow Surprisingly Rare Crop, Slowly Manage to Lift Themselves Out of Poverty
As far as the most poverty-stricken countries in the world go, few are suffering as badly as Palestine, which has been the victim of blockades by its neighbor Israel, airstrikes, a system of militarized checkpoints, and a laundry list of critically important issues that have not been addressed by [...]
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AltHealthWorks Review: A Line of Specialized CBD Products for Recovery from MuscleMX of Utah
As far as nutritional supplements go, there are few that I enjoy more than CBD oil, a product derived from cannabis that helps to provide an instantly noticeable and long-lasting calming effect, among several other health benefits. Recently, I was given the opportunity to check out some high quality [...]
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They Said That Gluten is the Reason Bread is Unhealthy. Here’s What They Didn’t Tell You
The no-grain diet is becoming all the rage across America, but could we be unfairly overlooking the health benefits of our “amber waves of grain” simply because of all of the unsavory things that we’ve done to our bread in the name of profit? Michael Pollan, author of the best-selling [...]
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Lab-Grown Chicken Nuggets Made From Feathers Likely to Hit Shelves Sometime in Near Future
Is lab grown meat the future of the industry, or simply an expensive boondoggle that wealthy investors like Bill Gates and Richard Branson will eventually have to bite the bullet on? According to major players in this “cultured meat” industry, lab grown meats can replace having to actually [...]
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Nearly 2 Billion Plastic Masks Entered Oceans in 2020, Conservation Group’s Report Says
As the coronavirus situation unfolded in 2020, the world has continued to “mask up” with each passing month, as PPE (personal protection equipment) was distributed to everyone from healthcare workers to everyday people and even mandated throughout a majority of U.S. states. It was a reality few saw [...]
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Substance in Widely Consumed British Tea Found to Reduce Anxiety, Stress and Fatigue in Drinkers
In the world of essential oils, there are countless plant-based compounds capable of providing a healthy boost to your daily routine. While these concentrated plant compounds may not necessarily have the same effect as targeted supplements or natural medications, they are extraordinarily powerful, which is why it is [...]
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