Organic foods can be cheap if you know which ones to buy, and while they may not always provide the macronutrients needed to sustain for long periods of time, every type of organic produce is capable of healing the body in its own unique way. Despite claims [...]
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Monthly Archives November 2021
Scientists Test Three Solutions for Cleaning Pesticides Off Produce: The Winner is Clear, Chemical-Free and Surprisingly Cheap
Photo: Video screen capture via FitLife.TV Each year, the release of the Environmental Working Group’s ‘Clean Fifteen’ and ‘Dirty Dozen’ lists inspire countless health conscious shoppers looking for the best deals on produce as free from toxic pesticides as possible. This year’s list followed a similar pattern, with [...]
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A Cup of Blueberries a Day Protects Against Two of the Most Degenerative Diseases Known to Man
In 2016, blueberry growers celebrated their crop’s 100th birthday of being commercially grown for consumption, and there are multiple reason to celebrate. From lowering blood pressure to protecting from DNA damage, new research has shown this little berry to have a dramatically positive impact on our health. Daily blueberry consumption [...]
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“She Said She Saw the Portal to Hell:” 11-Year-Old Spends Months in the Hospital After Taking Popular Flu Drug Linked To Suicides, Hallucinations and More…
“Do you want to take the chances?” — asked a parent of an 11-year-old girl who went through violent hallucinations, and an inability to eat and talk, or move, only a few days after taking a much-hyped antiviral medication. She had to spend three months in a hospital in [...]
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“The Damage is Just Unbelievably Horrific:” Canadian Activist Offers Stern Warning for Type of Antibiotic Drug That Saved (and Ruined) His Life
According to the official CDC statistics, antibiotics are so widely prescribed in the United States that they almost add up to the population of the country as a whole — a rate of 883 prescriptions per 1,000 people overall. Among these prescriptions, the most common type given [...]
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Farmers Band Together to Create Grassroots Organic Label More Suitable for Small-Scale Farms
For many shoppers, “organic” has become a magic word of sorts, the difference between whether or not they’ll make a purchase whether they’re at the health food store or the grocery store. Among the mainstream options offered, organic food is typically the best choice. Still, it should be noted [...]
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Terminal Hospice Patient Exposes Truth About Ensure Nutrition Drinks – “I Wouldn’t Feed This Stuff to a Dying Animal”
Carrol Krause, a former reporter for the Herald-Times of Bloomington, Indiana, had to retire from her journalism career because of an ovarian cancer diagnosis in 2014. Before she passed away in February, she wrote a blog titled ‘Stories by Carrol’ highlighting the best and the worst of her last days. A few [...]
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“I am cured. I am grateful.” — Man Heals His Parkinson’s in Just Seven Months with a Simple But Powerful Healing Technique from Ancient China
Many people accept a Parkinson’s Disease (PD) diagnosis as incurable and rely on pharmaceuticals to mask the symptoms and buy some time while the disease progresses. That’s not surprising – there is no official cure for PD in the mainstream medicine’s world. Parkinson’s is a degenerative disorder of the central [...]
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Mysterious Honey Discovered That Kills All Bacteria Scientists Throw At It
The health benefits of raw, unprocessed honey are well known, but in Australia, scientists recently made a startling discovery – that one particular, obscure type of honey is capable of killing just about everything scientists throw at it, including some of the worst bacteria known to man. The [...]
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Sales of Oreo Cookie’s Biggest Competitor Skyrocket as Company Officially Goes Non-GMO
The best-selling cookie in the United States is Oreo by a wide margin, racking up nearly $700 million in sales for Nabisco in 2017. But the cookie is far from healthy, as most consumers know, and the issue is made worse by the fact that it contains GMO ingredients [...]
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