By Bella Hardy The papaya is a native tree to Costa Rica, Southern Mexico, and Central America, and was grown among ancient civilizations such as the Mayans and Incas. While most people know how healthy the fruit is, few seem to realize just how beneficial papaya seeds truly [...]
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Archives for Natural health
Hospitals Now Using Cannabis as Experimental Treatment for COVID-19 Patients
Analysis/Opinion Is there a possible supplementary therapy for the potentially deadly respiratory disease COVID-19 that has been hiding right under our noses the whole time? In order to find that out, researchers in Israel have initiated three separate studies on the healing effects of cannabis for the disease. In [...]
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Four Parasite Cleansing Herbal Supplements to Add to Your Morning Routine
In the world of holistic health, there are countless different directions to look to invest your time, money and energy. Holistic health gurus are popping up left and right, while most doctors remain ardently in support of the traditional Western medicine paradigm based on potentially harmful drugs covering [...]
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Swap Out Your Favorite Junk Foods for These Six Foods Instead
It goes without saying, but food cravings are a pitfall for many diets, healthy lifestyles, and people battling food addictions. We usually know better than to reach for these foods, but giving in to these cravings is extremely common — and it usually happens because people don’t know which foods their [...]
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This Father of Three Reversed Over a Dozen Chronic Diseases With One Simple Dietary Protocol
If you’ve learned anything about natural health or the healthcare system in general over the past few years, you’ve probably heard of the sobering statistics by now: chronic diseases are running rampant in the United States, so much so that nearly half (45%) of all Americans currently have one. [...]
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“I Was Determined to Have (Him) Stop Harming People:” Man Risks Job to Expose Doctor Who Allegedly Prescribed Chemotherapy to Patients Without Cancer
As it stands, chemotherapy is one of the most difficult things anyone could have to go through on this Earth, especially when it comes to healthcare procedures. The potential side effects of this debilitating treatment include hair loss, nausea, vomiting, and according to recent research, it even has [...]
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Common Toothpaste Ingredient May Cause Inflammation of the Gut and Even Colon Cancer, New Study Says
What type of toothpaste do you have in your medicine cabinet? If you’re like most people you probably still buy one of the big box brands considered to be “most recommended by dentists worldwide,” like Crest, Colgate, Sensodyne or other similar brands. The problem with these brands is [...]
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