The McDonald’s Corporation is a fixture in American life, and has been going back several decades. But could the immense popularity of this corporation and its many imitators and spin-offs be a huge reason for the seriously threatening health outcomes in this country? It’s a question we should [...]
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Archives for Pesticides
Poisoned By Pesticides, Strawberry Farmer Converts His Fields to Organic, Does Something No One Has Ever Done Before
While it’s been proven time and time again that “conventional” agriculture, the byproduct of the post-World War II era and the chemicals that remained, causes serious harm, most people don’t realize just how bad it’s gotten. Jim Cochran, a strawberry farmer outside of Santa Cruz, California, found [...]
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Recent Study Finds Link Between Parkinson’s Disease, Pesticides Found in Milk
Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a chronic progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects the person’s ability to move. According to the CDC, every 3 out of 100,000 people in the US died from this disease in the 1980s, in the early 2000s that number doubled. A recent [...]
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Kale Now One of the Top 3 Vegetables Most Contaminated With Toxic Cancer-Linked Pesticides
Every year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) publishes a report on the most pesticide-contaminated vegetables and fruits on the market. The list is called The Dirty Dozen, and consists of produce that is important to buy organic, or use a special wash to remove the pesticides. The list changes [...]
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Major Chemical Company Busted for Force-Feeding Pesticides to Dozens of Beagles in Controversial Experiment (with Video)
As far as massive chemical and GMO food giants go, the Midland, Michigan based Dow Chemical company is far from well known in comparison with the two most disliked corporations in recent history, Bayer and Monsanto. But the company is now drawing the ire of a wide spectrum of [...]
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Five of the top six fruits and vegetables eaten in the U.S. are highly contaminated with toxic pesticides
It’s becoming harder and harder to avoid GMOs, synthetic pesticides, preservatives and other chemicals in our food, especially considering that most Americans seem to eat by taste only and have no problem accepting these unnatural foods are the “new norm.” When it comes to healthy eating, most [...]
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“We Will Stand Up for Our Kids, Even if Washington Will Not:” Hawaii Passes Historic Ban on Trump-Approved Chemical Found Harmful to Children’s Brains
When the Trump administration approved the toxic pesticide chlorpyrifos from the Dow Chemical Company, with whom they have an extra cozy relationship since Inauguration Day in January 2017, a public outcry ensued that was ultimately unsuccessful. The chemical has been linked to severe developmental delays in children and [...]
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Pesticide Created By Bayer Accidentally Kills Off Twelve-Mile Stretch of Trees in Oregon
Most people know the Bayer corporation because of its medications, including prescription drugs and over-the-counter staples like Bayer aspirin. But Bayer’s agricultural, GMO and pesticide divisions are not nearly as well known, similar to the sordid history of the company itself, which has roots as a chemical and explosive [...]
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Pesticide Chemical Spill Kills Tens of Thousands of Fish in Virginia
The agricultural industry’s chemical purveyors, Monsanto included, pride themselves on being “sustainable,” but time and time again we see that these promises don’t exactly hold water. Case in point: the latest incident of large-scale ecological harm caused by agricultural chemicals, this time involving a relatively modest leak of over 165 [...]
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Don’t Let Trump Poison Our Children! This Toxic “Dow Chemical” Pesticide Damages Kids’ Brains (linked to autism, ADD, low IQ, memory loss, and more…)
As if there were not enough pesticides in our food thanks to Monsanto and chemical companies, Donald Trump recently brushed shoulders with Dow Chemical executives and gave the company a “gift” that serves them, but puts thousands of children’s health at risk. After countless hours of hard work on banning [...]
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