Archives for Pesticides

“We Will Stand Up for Our Kids, Even if Washington Will Not:” Hawaii Passes Historic Ban on Trump-Approved Chemical Found Harmful to Children’s Brains

    When the Trump administration approved the toxic pesticide chlorpyrifos from the Dow Chemical Company, with whom they have an extra cozy relationship since Inauguration Day in January 2017, a public outcry ensued that was ultimately unsuccessful. The chemical has been linked to severe developmental delays in children and [...]
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Don’t Let Trump Poison Our Children! This Toxic “Dow Chemical” Pesticide Damages Kids’ Brains (linked to autism, ADD, low IQ, memory loss, and more…)

As if there were not enough pesticides in our food thanks to Monsanto and chemical companies, Donald Trump recently brushed shoulders with Dow Chemical executives and gave the company a “gift” that serves them, but puts thousands of children’s health at risk. After countless hours of hard work on banning [...]
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