Easy Nutribullet Recipe: Kale & Apple Mineral Tonic

The Nutribullet has made getting my green smoothies in before work easier than ever, and while I love to mix things up every day, there’s one basic , easy recipe I keep going back to in the morning for lasting energy.

I call it the Kale & Apple Mineral Tonic, and it takes only about two to five minutes of preparation time and mixes up really quick thanks to the speed, convenience and efficiency of the Nutribullet.

Of course, I only use organic ingredients, especially for the apples in this recipe since apples have relatively soft skin and non-organic varieties are sprayed quite extensively with synthetic pesticides.

Check out the visuals in the video below, including one of my favorite supplements, Natural Calm for magnesium:

 Kale & Apple Mineral Tonic Recipe

For the purposes of this particular smoothie in the Nutribullet, I used the following all-organic ingredients:

  • A large handful of Kale
  • About 75% of a small Apple, sliced
  • About 25% of a Cucumber for added B Vitamins and water
  • 2 tsp of Natural Calm Magnesium Sweet Lemon powder
  • 1 tsp of Cold-pressed Coconut Oil for better absorption of nutrients
  • A dash of Himalayan Sea Salt
  • Three drops of Lugol’s 2% Iodine (optional, consult with a doctor before using this)

The Kale, Natural Calm, Himalayan Salt and Iodine all add a strong boost of trace minerals to the mix, allowing me to stay sharp, focused and stress-free at work.

This is especially important for people who work at the computer for long hours during the day as I often do, because the minerals will help to keep the eyes relaxed in particular and to help stave off stress. Magnesium is often known as an anti-stress mineral, hence the name of the Natural Calm product.

Since I began taking the product during the day and especially in the morning, I have noticed that my eyes don’t twitch any more from staring at the computer screen for way too long throughout the course of the day. Other benefits of magnesium include:

  • The ability to help you absorb calcium better (very important since many of us get too much)
  • Support for a healthy heart and protection against major cardiac events such as stroke and heart attacks
  • Protects against migraines
  • May be helpful for people struggling with depression
  • Great for sleep in general; prevents muscle twitches to help you sleep throughout the night

Why this Nutribullet Recipe Works So Well

The synergy in this Nutribullet recipe combined with the convenience factor makes it a staple for me. And the combination of the calcium in the dark, leafy kale and the magnesium from Natural Calm and Coconut Oil allows for a high absorption rate of these key minerals.

Give this Kale & Apple Mineral Tonic a try in the morning and see the difference it makes for you!

Have yourself an amazing day now.

-Nick Meyer

P.S. Click here for Six Ingeniously Healthy Ways to Add an Extra Boost to Your Next Smoothie



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About Nick Meyer

Nick Meyer is a journalist who's been published in the Detroit Free Press, Dallas Morning News and several other outlets. He founded AltHealthWORKS in 2012 to showcase extraordinary stories of healing and the power of organic living, stories the mainstream media always seemed to miss. Check out Nick's Amazon best-seller 'Dirt Cheap Organic: 101 Tips For Going Organic on a Budget' by clicking here, as well as its sequel Dirt Cheap Weight Loss.