‘In Defense Of Food’ Writer Michael Pollan Reveals Two Foods He Always Buys Organic

Michael Pollen, author of 'In Defense Of Food.'


Michael Pollan is the author of ‘In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto,’ ‘Food Rules: An Eater’s Manual’ and several other New York Times best-selling books.

Pollan hasn’t been as visible in the public discourse lately as he was during the March Against Monsanto led organic food revolution of the early 2010s, but he has popped up in the media in recent times.

His new movie ‘Food, Inc. 2’ came out this past April, prompting Pollan to deliver media messages on the importance of buying organic food.

“I just think it’s a good idea to keep synthetic pesticides out of your diet to the extent you can,” Pollan said. “There are practices in American agriculture that if people really knew about them, they would be outraged.”

Pollan was featured in an article written for the website Business Insider recently during which he revealed the top two foods he chooses to buy organic.

The two foods Pollan mentioned are staples for many families and packed with potentially hazardous chemicals and chemical residues in their non-organic versions.


Food #1: Strawberries

Pollan told BI that he focuses on buying strawberries organic because of the many chemicals typically found on non-organic strawberry samples.

Non-organic strawberries “are usually grown with some pretty nasty chemicals, soil fumigants and things like that,” Pollan said.

Pollan added that organic soils get their nutrients from manure and compost. They generally have more nutrients because of the way they are grown.

“In general, organic soils, they don’t get their fertility from chemicals, they get their fertility from compost and manure and things like that,” Pollan said. “Not in every case, but in many cases, they have more nutrients.”


Food#2 Bread

Pollan also focuses on buying organic bread and flour.

He said he is cognizant of non-organic wheat crops that are sprayed with glyphosate before harvest. The glyphosate goes from farmer to farm to plant to dinner table in a hurry.

“Wheat farmers have taken to spraying glyphosate on their crops to kill it – – It’s a weed killer and plant killer,” Pollan said.

“We’re carrying body levels of glyphosate that are much higher than they used to be.”

Many growers are reporting that they are phasing out their pre-harvest practice of spraying wheat crops with glyphosate.

Pollan doesn’t want to take any chances, which is why he said he buys organic.

“They’re taking this toxic pesticide, which has been linked to lymphoma and is banned in many countries, and they’re spraying it on our food right before harvest, very close to the time we’re going to eat it,” he said. “It’s a very good argument for buying organic wheat and organic bread.”


Than you for reading! Pollan’s 2024 movie ‘Food Inc. 2’ can be purchased for $14.99 or rented for $4.99 on here. If you’re looking for organic bread (in this case from a sourdough culture), check out one of my favorite new companies, Organic Bread of Heaven.

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About Nick Meyer

Nick Meyer is a journalist who's been published in the Detroit Free Press, Dallas Morning News and several other outlets. He founded AltHealthWORKS in 2012 to showcase extraordinary stories of healing and the power of organic living, stories the mainstream media always seemed to miss. Check out Nick's Amazon best-seller 'Dirt Cheap Organic: 101 Tips For Going Organic on a Budget' by clicking here, as well as its sequel Dirt Cheap Weight Loss.

Organic sourdough bagels for sale from Organic Bread Of Heaven.
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