The Monsanto Company flew under the radar for several decades of American history, manufacturing plastics and even helping to produce the deadly Agent Orange chemical responsible for so much destruction and loss of life in the Vietnam War.
But now the company is finding its way into the mainstream, and the white hot spotlight has been anything but a positive for the company that has been repeatedly voted as ‘The Most Evil Company in the World’ (while also drawing the ire of protesters around the world through the March Against Monsanto and on social media).
Now, the Monsanto Company is up for a new title, and it’s one that won’t exactly improve its dwindling reputation in the eyes of the masses.
Monsanto Up for ‘Corporate Hall of Shame’ Award
Given out by the Corporate Accountability International organization, the ‘Corporate Hall of Shame’ Award is designed to find the company that most needs to become the target of grassroots activism in order to foster change.
This year’s nominees for the Hall of Shame include: TransCanada, General Motors, Chevron, Bayer, Veolia, McDonald’s, Comcast, Philip Morris, and Credit Suisse. Write-ins are also accepted.
To vote for who you think should be in the Hall of Shame, you can click on this link.
As you might expect, the description of Monsanto on the CAI website is a complete 180 from the superlatives Monsanto uses in regards to its business practices on its own website.
Monsanto is nominated for “mass-producing toxic chemicals, running small farms out of business, and promoting genetically engineered seeds that exacerbate food scarcity globally,” the website says.
While many awards ceremonies ultimately don’t seem to have much of an effect on the world when it’s all said and done, this one could be a little different.
The company that wins the vote will have to contend with a coalition of Corporate Accountability International’s member organizations which include the Organic Consumers Association, Food & Water Watch and several other organizations.
Once the top vote-getter is announced, that company will be subject to a campaign that will “mobilize pressure and turn up the heat…”
And that’s why voting for the right company is so important. You can vote for the company you believe most deserves to be in the ‘Hall of Shame’ by clicking on this link; choose wisely!
Who did you vote for and why? Tell us in the comments section below or on Facebook (inquiring minds want to know!)
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