This “Rebel Farmer” is a Constant Target Of His Own Government. But His Wild Ideas Made Him a Global Icon


In the battle of “conventional” agriculture vs. organic, a clear winner is emerging: organic food sales are skyrocketing, and interest in organic farming is rising dramatically, especially among the youth.

But while the debate between organic and conventional gets all the headlines, one particular style of farming that may hold true key to food freedom and abundance has been mostly overlooked: permaculture.

The world of permaculture is a fascinating one indeed.

It involves farmers and gardeners setting up systems of plants that complement each other, growing and thriving in a symbiotic loop that ultimately requires no fertilizers or even pesticides of any kind.

The only “downside” is that it will take a lot of practice & knowledge to convert our farmland to these types of systems, and it could have a drastic effect on big food companies who profit handsomely from growing large, unhealthy monocultures of corn and soy to “shape” into processed junk food.

But once we unlock the potential of permaculture, there will be no turning back. One farmer knows that as well as anyone, which is just part of the reason why he’s become a target of his own government. 



sepp holzer permaculture
The Story of Sepp Holzer

One of the most prominent figures in permaculture is the Austrian Sepp Holzer, also known as the “Rebel Farmer.”

Holzer Permaculture involves setting up mini ecosystems of dozens of different tons of different plants while also utilizing animals to do some of the more time-consuming chores, as they would in nature. Instead of planting only companion plants based on a system of pH levels, Holzer mixes up several types of seeds in one bucket and then goes to work on the surrounding environment. 

Mr. Holzer originally took over his father’s farm in the early 1960’s, which sits about 1,300 meters above sea level. The harsh location, which has been dubbed the “Austrian Siberia,” was said to be too difficult for farming, and yet Holzer managed to create a thriving plantscape including otherwise rare crops like kiwis and sweet chestnuts.

Since then, Holzer has branched out to Thailand, Columbia, Brazil and Scotland, growing tons of crops in some of the harshest locations imaginable.

Permanent agriculture is possible any place in the world,” he says in the video below.

Holzer is also an outspoken critic of the current farming system, calling mono culture “modern farming’s original sin.”

He’s also been a thorn in the side of his country’s authorities for years, having been sued more times than any farmer in Austria, and yet he wins every time.

This is the story of one of Austria’s “Rebel Farmer” and how his clever ideas could change the world:



Thanks for watching! If you’d like to get started on permaculture in your own backyard Holzer also has a book you can check out by clicking here.

sepp holzer book

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About Nick Meyer

Nick Meyer is a journalist who's been published in the Detroit Free Press, Dallas Morning News and several other outlets. He founded AltHealthWORKS in 2012 to showcase extraordinary stories of healing and the power of organic living, stories the mainstream media always seemed to miss. Check out Nick's Amazon best-seller 'Dirt Cheap Organic: 101 Tips For Going Organic on a Budget' by clicking here, as well as its sequel Dirt Cheap Weight Loss.