As more and more people become awakened to the realities of their food and how it’s produced, more and more attitudes are shifting. Organic sales are up and factory farming is (rightly so) under attack from activists and consumers.
It seems as if the vegan movement is also growing faster than ever before, and while many vegans have a “live and let live” philosophy in relation to people who eat meat, or vegetarians in general, others have a more hard-line approach and view eating meat (or dairy and eggs) as morally wrong; they’re also not shy about sharing their beliefs.
In this video an emotional vegan activist is joined by friends as she delivers an impassioned plea: “You are eating violence!” she exclaims to surprised diners, speaking about the chicken they are consuming.
Watch the video below and let us know what you think: can vegans and meat eaters (or vegetarians for that matter) co-exist peacefully, or will this always be a contentious issue?
And do you think the protester could have done a better job of getting her point across or is she just expressing how passionate she is about the issue? Let us know in the comments or on Facebook.
Video via 9News Official. P.S. You can subscribe to AltHealthWORKS (and get a free eBook) by clicking here. Please note we are not taking a position one way or the other on this issue but rather seeking to spark a respectful debate.
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