Throughout virtually all of 2020, Bill Gates, the former Microsoft chairman, has been paraded out by mainstream media with tens of millions of viewers as if he is an expert on vaccines and COVID-19, even though he has never been certified as a health professional in any way, shape, or form.
While Gates, who has donated tens of millions of dollars to push GMOs on third world countries among several other endeavors, has also given billions to the World Health Organization, and many whether his mind, and perhaps even his heart, are on the right place on the issue of vaccines.
As the COVIS-19 situation began escalating, Gates appeared on MSNBC in a bid to inform the American public about the work his foundation is doing to combat the coronavirus.
But what he said about the virus, and about the type of “protection” he and his foundation will need once the vaccine comes out, should be enough to give any well meaning critical thinker pause, regardless of their political affiliation or views on mainstream medicine.
Gates Warns: Legal Protection Will Be Needed Due to Possibility of THOUSANDS of Vaccine Injuries
Since a ruling that vaccine companies are not liable for damages and harm caused in a legal sense was handed down back in 1986, the United States government’s vaccine injury court and system (VAERS) has paid out over $4 billion dollars to those who have leveled accusations at these companies of causing them undue harm.
In many cases the allegations are serious, and there are patterns to the alleged harm being caused (just look up the symptoms of Guillain-Barré syndrome, one of the relatively common side effects allegedly caused by vaccines that may cause paralysis and serious swelling of the brain).
In the interview below, Gates shares a grim piece of news for anyone who may be on the fence about whether or not to take the COVID-19 vaccine, considering the side effects they are capable of causing: there’s a very real chance that tens, if not hundreds of thousands, of people will suffer from vaccine side effects, unless the companies get the safety testing right, Gates says.
And even if they do, it’s well worth noting that past vaccines (the ones that have caused billions of dollars worth of damages because of serious alleged side effects reported and paid out from vaccine courts) actually did pass safety trials before going on to cause as much harm as they did.
Bill Gates: Straight From the Horse’s Mouth
In the video clip below by MSNBC from earlier this spring, Gates spilled the beans on vaccines, admitting that governments “will have to be involved” with providing legal protections as the COVID-19 vaccine is rolled out.
The reason why could very well shock you, and make you question everything the so-called “fact checking” organizations have put out in recent months.
Considering that over 44,000 adverse events have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout began including over 2,000 deaths, this is well worth revisiting. Most experts on the VAERS system note that the vast majority of side effects including many serious ones are not reported.
Skip ahead to the 3-minute mark if you’re short on time, and be sure to share this information with anyone who doesn’t believe there’s a serious potential safety risk with these vaccines:
Are children receiving too many vaccines nowadays, and what are the serious, hidden risks they may be causing?? Get the other side of the story…The Truth About Vaccines returns October 13…
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