Bill Gates is the former founder of Microsoft and an expert in many things having to do with computers.
Gates is also involved in genetically modified foods, also known as genetically modified organisms (or GMOs), and has been touring the world attempting to convince nations like Kenya to accept them as a wider part of their agricultural strategy.
Gates continually tells audiences that GMOs are “safe,” and in the video below, he attempts to pitch the audience at the University of Nairobi in Kenya on eating GMOs, sharing his own experiences in eating them over his lifetime.
What Gates fails to mention is that there is plenty of evidence of both ecological harm and harm to human health, something that is oftentimes lost in the hoopla of these crops’ supposed productivity advantages.
The Broken Promises of GMO Crops
In October of 2016, The New York Times released a blockbuster reported titled ‘Broken Promises of Genetically Modified Crops,’ which detailed comparisons between yields of GMO crops and crop yields in Europe, where GMOs have been banned in most countries.
“Europe did not embrace the technology, yet it achieved increases in yield and decreases in pesticide use on a par with,
or even better than, the United States, where genetically modified crops are widely grown,” the Times report found.
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Video: Gates Pitches GMOs to African University Audience
Despite this information as well as dozens and dozens of studies showing the potentially harmful effects of GMO crops and their associated chemical pesticides, Gates attempted to pitch Kenyans on GMO crops during a November press conference.
The video, which was tweeted by the non-profit GMO Free USA, shows Gates telling the audience that every piece of bread he has ever eaten is from genetically modified wheat, and every piece of corn he’s eaten is GMO corn.
Gates shared this information despite the fact that GMO wheat is not on the market currently, and GMO corn did not hit the market until the mid-1990s.
The video has been viewed over 30,000 times, and is just the latest in a long long of public appearances from the former Microsoft founder.
Some of the commenters aren’t buying Gates’ assertions, based on their experiences eating the lab-created crops, which have been linked to digestive disorders, disruption of gut bacteria, and even cancer according to this database of studies.
“Loved hearing his statement about GMOs having a ‘perfect safety record,'” wrote commenter Lily A.
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“Forget the fact that modern wheat is harder to digest, and packs pounds around the waistline. Just because GMOs were lobbied into our food supply for years doesn’t mean they should remain in our diet.”
Watch Gates’ speech in the video below, and be sure to share this article (and this database of GMO safety studies) with anyone you know who may be wondering what Gates, Monsanto and Bayer have been up to recently:
Hit the road, Jack.
— GMO Free USA (@GMOFreeUSA) November 20, 2022
Related Reading: Mothers Break the Silence: How Feeding Their Kids a Non-GMO Diet Healed Everything From Autism Symptoms to Autoimmune Disease
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