Stress is said to be the “number one killer” of human beings, as the top six leading causes of death all have stress as a cause including heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide.
Over 75 percent of all doctor’s office visits are also stress-related, robbing us of our joy, relaxation and happiness in life.
It’s something I’ve realized from a very young age and have in many ways devoted my life to researching (unofficially). When things are going smoothly, everyone is getting along and everything is running on schedule, it’s easy to feel the “good vibes” and get healthy.
But when these areas are lacking, stress results, as does chronic “dis-ease.”
Stress management techniques were the topic of a recent interview I did with THRIVE Online Health Program Founder Derek Henry, who works with chronically over-stressed people as part of his own THRIVE Online Health Desk.
Top 2 Types of Stress: Chronic and Acute
The difference between the two main types of stress are simple, as is the pattern most people face in this area.
The first, chronic stress, is the type that results from having too many chronic stressors in your environment that require your constant attention. The daily grind of working 9-5, with deadlines, lots of open tabs on your web browser, nagging bosses and co-workers is the perfect example of chronic stress.
Acute stress is more direct in nature and includes things like traffic jams, an intense argument with someone close to you or receiving harsh criticism from someone.
Derek discusses how to overcome these in your daily life in the interview below, as well as his top 3 strategies for dealing with people who cause stress in your own life.
Check it out below (skip to the 10:20 mark to see the part about handling negativity from people around you):
If you know someone battling chronic dis-ease looking for a full natural healing plan, check out the THRIVE program now until January 14, which includes a 60-day nutrition plan, online support from Derek and more.
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