In today’s social media-dominated world, one well-placed health graphic can practically start a revolution.
One of the most popular graphics making the rounds online today praises the health benefits of Graviola, the super fruit/herb/tree from the Amazon Rainforest, and its “powerful effects at stopping cancer.”
As the popular viral graphic says, Graviola, also known soursop, is “10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy” at killing cancerous cells, and basically positions Graviola as the answer to one of the most devastating diseases out there.
There is also a popular video making the rounds that you can watch below. It highlights the exciting results of a Purdue University study showing anti-cancer effects, and the has been viewed more than 100,000 times.
What is the truth of the matter and what does the FDA say about Graviola and stopping cancer? Let’s investigate further.
Health Benefits of Graviola May Include Antioxidants, Immune Support and More
Found in South America in the Amazon river basin, the Graviola tree is usually about 15-30 feet tall but packs a strong nutritional punch.
The tree’s fruit has a delicious custard-like texture and a striking, “spiked melon” like appearance, but most of the best health benefits are actually found in the leaves and bark. This is one important point many websites forget to make. The Graviola tree bark and the leaves have been consumed in healing teas by the Amazon natives for thousands of years to treat ailments ranging from arthritis to parasites to liver issues.

Shown are three Graviola (Soursop) fruits hanging from the tree. You can click here for an organic Graviola supplement.
While the remarkable possible cancer-killing properties of Graviola have been disputed by government agencies, there is much evidence that the popular Amazon superfood offers a wide variety of benefits to help protect and boost your health.
Those Graviola health benefits may include:
-Highly active antioxidant compounds, offering protection against aging
-Help in stimulating blood circulation within your system
-Assistance in draining the lympathic system
-Support for your entire immune system
The FDA has approved Graviola as an immune booster. but has not done the same in terms of its anti-cancer effects. In fact, websites publishing information about the anti-cancer effects have been targeted by the government agency and told to remove the anti-cancer claims from their websites or face stiff penalties.
While the FDA doesn’t agree with anti-cancer studies that show Graviola’s potential for selectively targeting and killing cancer cells within the body, many people continue to take it for that purpose, and there is much independent research out there on Graviola’s purported anti-cancer effects. The real question is why no further long-term trials have been done.
Graviola and Anti-Cancer Studies
Perhaps the biggest and most comprehensive study on the anti-cancer effects of Graviola comes from Purdue University’s School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, which looked at substances in the tree called annonaceous acetogenins.
The university spent millions on researching Graviola (and other plants for their anti-cancer effects including a similar one, the pawpaw, which actually has more of those compounds) and eventually found out some promising news: the compounds were shown to be powerful at inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, while remarkably leaving normal cells along. These compounds from Graviola were also found to work against drug-resistant cancer cells as well.
Those who question the study, including the FDA, point out that these were in vitro results, done on cancer cells in test tubes and not in clinical trials.
Unfortunately, there are no long-term human studies on Graviola for cancer and other diseases it is believed to be effective against.
It should be noted that if you do plan to use Graviola, it is a powerful natural medicine and you should consult with a doctor first.
That being said, if you’d like to see the research on Graviola for yourself, you can visit the website PubMed.Gov, which offers more than 23 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, science journals and online books. There are several studies on Graviola which can be viewed by clicking on the screenshot below.
Where to Buy an Organic Graviola Supplement
We must stress that this article is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice.
That being said, it is clear that Graviola offers a ton of healing potential that warrants future studies, and that it has a long history of use as a complementary natural medicine.
I personally know a woman, a good friend’s mother, who used it as part of her protocol in healing from very serious health problems, which is part of what inspired me to create this site.
At the end of the day the best way to take graviola is under the care of a naturopathic physician who has utilized it in their practice before.
The most potent forms are graviola are those that are Wildcrafted meaning they were grown in their typical natural surroundings and harvested in the wild rather than in large monocultures. One such company that offers wildcrafted graviola is Amazon Therapeutic laboratories; you can read the reviews or purchase their graviola by clicking here.
Another good company to buy from is RainTree, as they have been researching the herbs for years and often cited as a popular source for information on Amazon Rainforest herbs and healing plants.
Thanks as always for reading!
Nick Meyer, Founder
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