While the United States government and its agencies actively promote the farming of genetically modified corn, soy, and other unhealthy pesticide laced mono-crops, the rest of the world seems to be taking a different approach.
Organic farming has already been shown as the best way to feed the world in the past and studies have shown what intuition and common sense already tell us: that it’s healthier as well.
Now one Northern European country is getting on board with the growing push for organic agriculture with one of its most ambitious plans yet.
“The World’s Most Ambitious Plan”
Announced in late January by the government of Denmark and dubbed the “most ambitious plan” in the world for increasing organic food production, the European country with a population near six million hopes to lead the way with a long line of new initiatives.
The plan, titled “ Økologiplan Danmark” or “Ecology Plan (of) Denmark,” is a 67-point list that focuses on a more organic public sector, according to this article from ‘The Local’ out of Denmark.
“We will commit ourselves to, among other things, have more organic items on the menu in canteens, hospitals and daycare institutions,” Food and Agriculture Minister Dan Jørgensen said.
More Farmland Being Converted
Jørgensen said that 800,000 meals are served at public institutions every single day, and the goal is to make them as organic as possible.
The plan is aimed at reaching a goal of doubling organic farmland (from 2007) by the year 2020, and many ministries ranging from the Ministry of Food to even the Ministry of Defence are working to do their part.
“We want to improve children and young people’s awareness of ecology and therefore we are using the public school reform to teach about organic farming and production in the natural science and in the new subject of food knowledge,” Defence Minister Christine Antorini said.
A total of 400 million kroner (or $60.8 million) is being committed to help make Denmark’s ambitious plan a reality.
(Amazing what can get done when Monsanto executives haven’t infiltrated your government’s top food and health-related positions, isn’t it?)
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