A lot of people don’t realize that the human body was in fact designed to handle stress — it’s just the type of stress most people deal with currently that presents the biggest problem. The stress of surviving an encounter with a predator as our ancestors faced in the jungles [...]
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Archives for Natural Treatments
The Potentially Harmful Side Effects of Mammograms — Is There a Safer Option?
Breast cancer rates have remained high in recent years; as of today, a woman has a 1 in 8 chance of developing breast cancer in her lifetime. While environmental toxins play a big role in this epidemic, a large majority of cases are due to ‘overdiagnosis,’ which happens most [...]
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One Simple Activity Reduces Alzheimer’s and Dementia by 76 Percent, Scientists Discover
Health is an extremely personal thing, and no one diet or exercise routine works the same for everyone. But one thing’s for certain when it comes to succinctly and completely healing degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia: one barely practiced activity towers above the rest, at least [...]
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What is Neurofeedback Brain Training and How Does it Work?
Between all the text messages and multitasking at work, and those pervasive red notification buttons on our Facebook pages, it seems that staying mentally focused and犀利士 flexible is harder than ever. Sure, we’re flexible when it comes to doing lots of things at one time or getting lots of tasks [...]
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This Father of Three Reversed Over a Dozen Chronic Diseases With One Simple Dietary Protocol
If you’ve learned anything about natural health or the healthcare system in general over the past few years, you’ve probably heard of the sobering statistics by now: chronic diseases are running rampant in the United States, so much so that nearly half (45%) of all Americans currently have one. [...]
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The Top 5 Best Alternatives to Fluoride for Dental Health
By Dr. Edward Group Global Healing Center Fluoride is a known endocrine disruptor and other evidence shows fluoride is even a neurotoxin. Unfortunately, it’s still used in many dental products to this day and the potential health problems are unavoidable. Fortunately, when it comes to oral health, there are several fluoride-free [...]
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“She Was Dying in Front of Us:” 9-Year-Old Girl’s Life Saved, 300 Seizures Halted Thanks to THIS Illegal Substance
This little girl would not be alive today if it was not for medical marijuana. At only 10 months old, Tatyana “Tuffy” Rivera was diagnosed with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, a severe and rare form of epilepsy. This disease is both dangerous and debilitating, making it difficult to perform day-to-day activities. It [...]
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Study Confirms THIS Type of Fungus is Responsible for Crohn’s Disease (Plus How to Get Rid of It Naturally)
A new study has confirmed once again what many researchers and doctors of naturopathic medicine have believed for decades: fungus and bacteria are greatly responsible for Crohn’s disease. This time, the researchers discovered which ones in particular are the likely culprits: candida (Candida tropicalis), along with two different types [...]
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New dental technique could spell the end of cavities and fillings
If you’ve been waiting for a better way to heal cavities, hang in there for couple years – 2017 is when scientists from King’s College London are hoping to make available to the public a new pain-free technique of rebuilding teeth called Electrically Accelerated and Enhanced Remineralization (EAER). The treatment [...]
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History of Wheatgrass: Research Halted by the Pharmaceutical Industry in 1940s
The first use of wheatgrass can be traced back to about 5,000 years ago when the ancient Egyptians used young grass for health and vitality. In modern times, wheatgrass consumption was introduced to the Western world by a Food Chemist from Kansas City, Missouri Charles Franklin Schnabel, who is often [...]
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