The Amazon Rainforest isn’t often thought of when it comes to natural healing and natural medicine, but that way of thinking is a big mistake. The Rainforest isn’t just a place where lots of bugs, jungle cats, rivers and streams are located — it’s also home to the most biodiverse [...]
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Update: Food Scientists Have Created Four Types of GMO “Non-Browning” Apples, Including the New GMO Gala Apple
In October 2024, GMO Gala apples were approved for consumption at restaurants, stores and food service retailers despite what critics decry as a lack of testing for possible negative health effects on the environment and people. The parent company of these fruits, Okanagan Specialty Fruits, has battled protesters, petitions [...]
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This Amazon Rainforest Berry is Regarded as the Top Source of Vitamin C in All the World
The human body needs Vitamin C to heal and to make healthy hair, skin and nails, but most people aren’t getting enough Vitamin C even when they think they are getting enough. A 2004 survey found in the American Journal of Public Health found that even though the average Vitamin C intake [...]
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An Interview with Robert Schooler, the Student Who Took on Gates Foundation GMO Propaganda at Cornell
This article was republished to shine a spotlight on the battle that has been playing out for years at college campuses across the United States. While universities push genetically modified foods and experimental medical treatments on students, some, like Robert Schooler, made it their mission to challenge the [...]
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A Cup of Blueberries a Day Protects Against Two of the Most Degenerative Diseases Known to Man
In 2016, blueberry growers celebrated their crop’s 100th birthday of being commercially grown for consumption, and there are multiple reason to celebrate. From lowering blood pressure to protecting from DNA damage, new research has shown this little berry to have a dramatically positive impact on our health. Daily Blueberry Consumption [...]
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4 Horrifying Facts about Chickens: A Wake-Up Call for the Meat Industry
Chicken is one of the United States’ most popular types of meats. It is widely regarded as one of the healthiest meats a person can possibly eat, but as always, the type of chicken that you buy is incredibly important. There are many facts that the chicken meat industry does [...]
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Rare Video Shows George Bush Sr.’s Trip to Monsanto HQ, Speaking 7 Words That Changed Everything
Proponents of genetically engineered crops would have you believe that we’ve been “modifying” foods for “thousands of years.” But the truth is that these lab-created GMOs are far different from traditional hybrid crops and have only been around for a few decades. And if not for intense lobbying on the [...]
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Reverse Liver Problems and Detoxify Your Liver With This Highly Effective, Little Known Nutrient
Fatty liver disease is no walk in the park, that much is for certain. Caused by the overload of carbs in the sensitive liver, especially unnatural ones like genetically modified, high fructose corn syrup laced products, fatty liver disease is becoming an epidemic in the United States of America. Currently, [...]
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Can’t Get Enough Sunlight? Here Are the Five Best Food Sources of Vitamin D
Vitamin D, aka the “sunshine vitamin,” is required in a multitude of bodily processes, making it one of if not the most important vitamins for your body to produce. The crucial vitamin is produced within the body after we’ve exposed our skin to the sun’s rays, particularly of the ultraviolet [...]
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“FDA Issued its Warning Too Late” – A Woman Underwent 20 Surgeries to Repair Damage This Common Drug Caused
These antibiotics received countless warnings time and time again. Since 1992 consumers have reported the devastating effects they can have on the body, and yet the FDA did nothing. In 2016, the drug warning was finally updated to include the reports, but for many it was too late, [...]
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