Blockbuster Mark Ruffalo, Anne Hathaway Movie Exposes One of the World’s Most Dangerous Chemical Companies on the Silver Screen



Ruffalo plays an attorney who takes on one of the country’s biggest and most deadly chemical companies.


The names ‘Monsanto’ and ‘Bayer’ designate two of the world’s biggest and at times diabolical chemical companies, according to people who have read the truth about how they have poisoned people, flora and fauna for profit over the years.

Both companies have dark histories that have only recently been uncovered by the vast majority of people: Monsanto is known for poisoning several towns and turning them into “superfund” sites, as this photographer’s evocative photo gallery shows, and Bayer (or a division of the company to be more specific) is infamously known for selling medication tainted with HIV.

Bayer was also once a subsidiary of former IG Farben, a major part of the Nazi war machine Germany, believe it or not.

Now, one of the darkest secrets of one of the most unknown GMO and chemical giants is being given new life on the big screen, and the movie stars some of the biggest names in Hollywood today.


Hathaway, Ruffalo Expose GMO Giant in ‘Dark Waters’ Movie

The movie, titled ‘Dark Waters,’ was released in 2019 chronicles the story of a “tenacious attorney” played by Mark Ruffalo as he works to expose a growing number of unexplained deaths caused by one of the world’s largest chemical and GMO seed giants, DuPont.

It’s based on the true story of Robert Bilott, who took on DuPont in a massive environmental lawwsuit. Hathaway plays his wife, Sarah Barlage.

“While trying to expose the truth, he soon finds himself risking his future, his family and his own life,” the movie’s official description reads.

The movie’s trailer, which can be seen below, includes some tense moments featuring Ruffalo, who plays a spirited role in a movie that seems inspired by ‘Michael Clayton,’ an Oscar-winning movie from 2007 during which Clooney takes on a fictional company clearly inspired by Monsanto.

The movie is based on events that happened in Parkersburg, West Virginia, where tens of thousands of people were poisoned by DuPont’s chemicals and the com樂威壯pany ended up paying out $671 million to settle more than 3,500 lawsuits.

“DuPont is knowingly poisoning 70,000 local residents for the last 40 years,” Ruffalo can be heard saying in the trailer below.

This movie is intense to say the least. Have you seen it yet?


Where to Watch ‘Dark Waters’ Movie 

The ‘Dark Waters’ movie starring Ruffalo and Hathaway can be seen on Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Apple TV, YouTube, Fandago at home, and Google Play Movies.

I personally rented this movie while traveling to northern Michigan for a wedding a few years ago and absolutely loved it. It’s intense but also shows the human side of Ruffalo and the difficulties he must go through in order to fight for justice and truth against one of the world’s most powerful corporations.

The movie showcases the simplified yet challenging daily lives of the townsfolk in large, industrialized farming communities where chemicals poison land, animals and people and the once beautiful landscapes and prosperous farming communities have been replaced by indentured servitude to corporations and challenging legal battles that seem unwinnable because of the sheer size, power, and control wielded by chemical corporations like DuPont.


Click here to watch the incredible movie ‘Dark Waters’ on Amazon Prime for less than four dollars.

This movie is also available to purchase in a UHD (Ultra High-Definition Television) format for less than 15 dollars


Thanks for reading as always and I hope you get a chance to witness this movie. It is one of my favorites and Ruffalo and Hathaway are two of my absolute favorite actors/actresses in the world of film, with both playing their roles to a tee in this film.


Nick Meyer Founder

Nick Meyer selfie

P.S. Here is the link to watch the movie one more time.

It’s $4.29 to watch the UHD rental version on Amazon Prime and the rental lasts 24 hours or more after you begin playing it. I definitely plan on watching it again sometime and I hope you get a chance to watch it, too.



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About Nick Meyer

Nick Meyer is a journalist who's been published in the Detroit Free Press, Dallas Morning News and several other outlets. He founded AltHealthWORKS in 2012 to showcase extraordinary stories of healing and the power of organic living, stories the mainstream media always seemed to miss. Check out Nick's Amazon best-seller 'Dirt Cheap Organic: 101 Tips For Going Organic on a Budget' by clicking here, as well as its sequel Dirt Cheap Weight Loss.