“Organic” Wheat That’s Not Organic After All: The USDA’s Dirty Little Secret

organic wheat healthy

The USDA allows a organic wheat to be made using a process some are calling “worse than GMO.”



For several years it was thought that eating wheat was not only extraordinarily healthy, but also a major component of losing weight in a safe and natural way.

But all that changed with the release of the best-selling book ‘Wheat Belly’ which shed light on why modern wheat may be actually making you fat (and unhealthy for that matter) instead. 

While a lot of important stuff about weight loss and wheat remains ingrained in the minds of millions who’ve begun going bread-free or picking alternatives like sprouted grains, there’s one deep, dark secret exposed by the book’s author Dr. William Davis that still hasn’t quite sunk in yet among the general public.

This alleged organic wheat production technique involves a process that is about as unnatural as it gets, one that some whistleblowers are calling “worse than GMOs.” 

And yet this highly controversial practice is still allowed even in the production of so-called organic wheat, much to the detriment of your health.


The Truth About USDA Organic Wheat

For millions of consumers seeing the word “organic” in front of their favorite ingredients has become a security blanket of sorts. In other words when they see it, they feel comfortable.

And when they feel comfortable with their decision, they throw it into their shopping carts and take it to the cash register without a second thought.

But what if I told you that one of the most risky and untested processes for creating food, perhaps even worse than genetic modification, was still allowed in “organic” wheat production?

That process is called cell fusion mutagenesis and it involves extracting the nucleus from a plant and replacing it with a nucleus from a different one from the same family.

This highly unnatural processes uses both chemicals and radiation in order to produce a mix-genetics plant, one that comes out sterile in the end before making it into the bread that finds its way onto your dinner table.

It’s not allowed in international organic certification standards, but in the good ole’ U-S-of-A it’s perfectly fine.

What could the side effects be, you may ask?


Like genetic engineering, mutagenesis can cause dramatic shifts in genetically determined traits, producing unknown toxins or allergens…” the Organic Consumers’ Association has warned. 

‘Wheat Belly’ author Dr. William Davis blames mutagenesis, which is used to produce modern wheat — including organically grown wheat — for increases in wheat allergies and intolerances,” the Organic Consumers Association says.

Could this be the reason why so many people experience health problems and weight gain from wheat?



How to Avoid “Mutant Wheat”

While many companies have turned a blind eye to “organic” wheat produced using this unnatural method, one company, High Mowing Organic Seeds, has come out publicly against them.

There are many other seed companies committed to getting them out of the organic wheat supply as well. Mutagenesis-produced wheat is now fairly common in the United States, and since it’s allowed in so-called organic wheat you may not even realize you’re eating it. An OCA spokesperson also said that they did not know how many organic farmers utilize these radiation-treated seeds. 

Really, the only way to be 100% certain you’re avoiding mutated wheat at this point is to ask each food company yourself by phone or email and or to simply buy from a local, truly organic farmer.

Until then, you can sign this petition that is circulating from the OCA to get the “mutated” wheat out of our organic food supply, and use your best instincts whenever you buy wheat and other at-risk foods

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About Nick Meyer

Nick Meyer is a journalist who's been published in the Detroit Free Press, Dallas Morning News and several other outlets. He founded AltHealthWORKS in 2012 to showcase extraordinary stories of healing and the power of organic living, stories the mainstream media always seemed to miss. Check out Nick's Amazon best-seller 'Dirt Cheap Organic: 101 Tips For Going Organic on a Budget' by clicking here, as well as its sequel Dirt Cheap Weight Loss.