Photo via TheRealFoodCompany.org.UK
While there are plenty of websites out there claiming that it’s possible to heal your cavities naturally with the right nutrition, it seems as if concrete success stories to this effect are hard to come by.
With that in mind, I recently set out to heal my own cavities naturally using the type of diet prescribed in ‘Cure Tooth Decay,’ a book by Ramiel Nigel, including three supplements from the company Green Pastures: fermented cod liver oil, skate liver oil and high vitamin butter oil.
Fermented Cod Liver Oil is the most common recommendation for a supplement for people looking to regenerate and heal their cavities and tooth decay naturally.
The particular type of fermented cod liver oil I tried had an “ice mint” flavor to it, which masked the fishiness quite nicely. There is a bit of an aftertaste but it’s not too pronounced.
The fermented cod liver oil is said to work nicely with high vitamin butter oil, another product I was able to try from Green Pastures. The butter oil has a very unique flavor to it; similar to coconut oil in texture and half of its taste, with the other half tasting like an exceptionally rich buttery flavor.
The butter sourced for this product comes from cows grazing on “rapidly growing” grass at just the right time of year where it happens to be the most vitamin and phytonutrient-rich. This process for sourcing the butter oil was used by Dr. Weston Price, who traveled extensively and studied native people across the world while helping to heal their cavities naturally (and studying the cultures with lower incidences of dental problems).
Dr. Price discovered even better results when combining the butter oil with the cod liver oil. In my case I combined the two before each meal as directed, along with fermented skate liver oil.
The skate liver oil had an orange flavor to it, which also masked the flavor nicely. A skate is a sea ray-type creature, and its liver oil has the unique nutrients found in shark liver oil including chondroitin, squalene, and alkoxglycerols along with plenty of vitamin D, omega 3 fatty acids and other important vitamins.
Putting the natural cavity healing diet into practice
While I had been eating a mostly vegetarian diet leading up to this phase, I decided to give the ‘Cure Tooth Decay’ book regimen a try to see how well it would heal my cavities.
I had been diagnosed by a dentist with at least two cavities and I really didn’t feel like paying the 100+ dollars to get them filled by a holistic dentist. I also definitely didn’t want to get mercury put back into my mouth as I had in the past before those fillings either fell out or replaced.
I started out with some pain and sensitivity in the upper left part of my mouth from a cavity in that region (I had another as well in another part of my mouth). As I changed my diet and began supplementing, I saw positive changes on a high-mineral, low anti-nutrient Weston Price-style diet consisting mostly of raw dairy (cheese, grass fed, since that was the easiest type to find), lots of vegetable soups with broccoli and other high-mineral veggies, grass fed Kerrygold butter, bone broths, and dulse (a high mineral sea vegetable) along with these three supplements.
In the end, I noticed a definite improvement in the appearance and feel of the two moderate cavities I had. The structure seemed a little more sound and the black marks from the decay had noticeably cleared up.
I scheduled a dentist appointment for something unrelated to the cavities and also asked them to check and see how my cavities had improved.
My dentist, Dr. O’Brien, gave me a quick checkup and did not seem to notice any cavities, since he did not recommend any x-rays as the previous dentist did.
While I can’t say for sure that my tooth decay and cavities have been “cured,” I must say that this dietary regimen combined with the three supplements, which were given to me courtesy of Green Pastures, have made a huge difference.
I know see cavities and especially tooth decay as more of a fluid situation than mainstream dentistry does, and it seems that a re-mineralization dietary and supplement plan along with oil pulling (swishing around coconut oil or other oil in your mouth) can make a big difference.
While the supplements are a bit pricey by some people’s standards (over 50 bucks for the high vitamin butter oil for instance), I will say that they are of the finest quality organic ingredients. And if you’re serious about healing your cavities naturally, these supplements are the best of the best.
You can check these Green Pastures supplements out by clicking here:
High Vitamin Butter Oil (in capsules): http://amzn.to/2DrUBd6
Fermented Cod Liver Oil: http://amzn.to/1byfugL
Fermented Skate Liver Oil: (probably more of a bonus as the other two are more highly recommended): http://amzn.to/1kNdPwh
Editor’s note: Be very careful to make sure the quality of these products is intact as there has been a growing number of people reporting reactions to the cod liver oil product. Amazon reviews generally are positive however.
This article is for informational purposes only. Consult a doctor or dentist before making any changes to your dietary, drug or supplement-related routines. See our full disclaimer here.
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