Proof That GM Foods Should Be Banned? Years-in-the-Making Database Shows Scientific Studies of Monsanto’s Creations

The genetically modified food experiment carried out on the unsuspecting public by Monsanto has only been taking place for about 25 years, and began with the first-ever failed GMO food, tomatoes, back in 1994.

The so-called “FlavrSavr” GMO tomato was roundly rejected by consumers, restaurant chains, and supermarkets alike, leading to the abandonment of the lab-created fruit.

But what seemed like a major blow to the hopes of the GMO industry quickly became a mere footnote in history, as Monsanto and other companies managed to gain government approval for their suite of GMO crops (corn, soy, sugar beets, and canola among others).

Many of these crops of have been engineered to produce their own pesticides within the plant, or to sustain large doses of the cancer-linked glyphosate chemical, the main component of Roundup herbicides.

But here’s the kicker — these crops have not been labeled in the United States since their inception, leaving many consumers in the dark about what they’ve really been eating.

And they also have not been proven safe after all these years, according to a treasure trove of studies that are just now making their way into the public sphere thanks in large part to a venerable non-profit that has been working to spread the word about the health consequences of GMOs for years.


And they also have not been proven safe after all these years, according to a treasure trove of studies that are just now making their way into the public sphere thanks in large part to a venerable non-profit that has been working to spread the word about the health consequences of GMOs for years.

While the genetically modified food experiment mostly managed to escape public scrutiny in its formative years, allowing it to dominate the market through well-funded marketing campaigns by Monsanto and other companies to lure in farmers, consumers have woken up to the reality of GMOs in the 2000s, thanks in large part to mass movements like the worldwide March Against Monsanto.

Through it all, Americans have gained a newfound appreciation for organic foods, as they seek to avoid the cancer-linked pesticides and GMO foods that have taken over the vast majority of grocery store shelves.


Among those leading the charge has been the non-profit GMO Free USA, one of the few organizations providing support in the research department for activists and organizations seeking to expose the potential dangers and damning research surrounding GMOs.

Recently, the organization made a major announcement that has been completely ignored by the mainstream media: the launching of a new “First-of-Its-Kind Database of Studies Documenting Harm from GMOs,” providing ammunition for debates against the GMO industry, which continues to suppress these concerning studies.

While the United States spends more on healthcare than any other nation, as many as 6 in 10 Americans have chronic diseases, a worrisome trend that many believe is correlated with the exponential rise in the use of GMOs and glyphosate in recent years, in stark contrast with other countries.


Europe for example has banned GMO crops in nearly 30 countries, while new GMOs continue to be developed by scientists in the United States without long-term safety testing.

The database is the first-ever searchable science database of studies and reports on the safety and effects of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and associated agrochemicals, the organization said, containing over 2,000 studies and journal publications documenting risks and potential and actual harmful effects of GMOs, as well as the related pesticides and agrochemicals.

It contains references from around the world documenting health effects, environmental impacts, impacts on non-target organisms, resistance of target organisms, pesticide drift damage, genetic contamination, horizontal gene transfer and other unintended effects, as well as references related to crop yields, social impact, ethics and economics, and has taken years to produce according to GMO Free USA’s founder.

In the public interest, our team has spent years researching and pulling this together. We’re proud to make this tool available. We will continue to update the GMO Research database as new studies are published. We encourage researchers to submit new papers and suggestions for improvement,” says Diana Reeves, Executive Director of GMO/Toxin Free USA.

To read more about these GMO studies showing evidence of harm, check out the full database by clicking on this link.

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About Nick Meyer

Nick Meyer is a journalist who's been published in the Detroit Free Press, Dallas Morning News and several other outlets. He founded AltHealthWORKS in 2012 to showcase extraordinary stories of healing and the power of organic living, stories the mainstream media always seemed to miss. Check out Nick's Amazon best-seller 'Dirt Cheap Organic: 101 Tips For Going Organic on a Budget' by clicking here, as well as its sequel Dirt Cheap Weight Loss.