Catnip Offers Benefits for Digestion, Relaxation, Nausea Relief and More

Catnip has a wide assortment of benefits for humans, not just our feline friends.

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If you’ve ever had a pet cat before, you probably know that they go crazy for catnip, a plant that grows throughout the northern and southwestern parts of the United States and other regions.

Known by its scientific name Nepeta cataria, catnip affects receptors in the feline brain responsible for producing “happy” chemicals. Marketers have sought to take advantage of the growing trend by creating products like ‘Catnip Crack,’ a well-marketed organic Catnip product designed to produce overt displays of feline affection.

Catnip is also a beneficial herb for human beings. Catnip is consumed in teas, tinctures, topical health balms and other herbal formulae, although tea is by far the most popular way to take it.


Four Benefits of Catnip for Humans

Catnip may have negative side effects when taken in repeated, high doses by humans according to WebMD, although such side effects are highly unlikely.

Catnip is typically used for the following four health benefits:

1. Stress Relief- 

Catnip has calming and sedative effects, making it useful for relieving stress and anxiety.

Herbalists have used it for hundreds of years as an ingredient in relaxation teas and balms. It supports mental health and may calm hyperactivity in children.

2. Digestion- 

Catnip tea acts as a ‘carminative,’ meaning it may help to prevent gas similar to over-the-counter drugs like Beano but without the side effects.

Bloating and constipation relief also may result.

When rubbed on the stomach of babies, Catnip can help to relieve colic, defined as a prolonged, intense bout of crying.

Constipation and bloating can be relieved with Catnip tea, as can inflammation in the digestive system in also may help with pain.



What Does Catnip Taste Like?

Catnip is a member of the mint family and has a scent similar to thyme, sage and mint. It also may remind some of pennyroyal leaf tea.

The taste of the Catnip plant are described as aromatic, astringent and slightly bitter. 

Catnip tea has a minty, Earthy taste that goes well with organic honey or a hint of sugar, although there are healthier sweeteners like stevia and and monk fruit to consider as an alternative.

Learn about how to prepare Catnip in the video below:


Additional Catnip Benefits

Catnip has other additional benefits for humans and cats alike.

3. Bath Infusion- 

Catnip goes incredibly well when used as a relaxation aid in a bathtub. It is known to relax the body while increasing perspiration for improved detoxification during showers and baths.

If you have a flu or fever, taking a Catnip bath can help your body to relax allowing it to heal up faster.

4. Ease Morning Sickness and Nausea- 

It’s well known that Catnip helps to soothe the stomachs of cats, which is why it is often administered by pet owners.

Catnip is also drank by people to relieve digestive problems including morning sickness and nausea.

Some people drink catnip tea to relieve digestive problems, but some people may not tolerate it well. Stop drinking catnip tea if it continues to cause an upset stomach after a few uses. Both adults and children may vomit from drinking too much catnip tea.
Catnip is a gentle and effective digestive stimulant. It boosts the production of digestive juices throughout the intestinal tract and may relieve constipation, flatulence, cramping and bloating.
Try an organic digestive balm with catnip, olive oil and ginger here
Fights Nausea from Chemo, Motion Sickness, Digestion, Nervous Stomach and More
Thanks for reading! Have you ever taken catnip before or given it to your cat? If so, let us know in the comments section!






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About Nick Meyer

Nick Meyer is a journalist who's been published in the Detroit Free Press, Dallas Morning News and several other outlets. He founded AltHealthWORKS in 2012 to showcase extraordinary stories of healing and the power of organic living, stories the mainstream media always seemed to miss. Check out Nick's Amazon best-seller 'Dirt Cheap Organic: 101 Tips For Going Organic on a Budget' by clicking here, as well as its sequel Dirt Cheap Weight Loss.