Five Benefits of Cold Showers to Remember and Recognize at All Times

Cold showers offer several different health benefits that can change your life in a short amount of time.


Cold showers are a relatively new phenomenon in terms of their mainstream popularity among health professionals, athletes and people who simply want to get healthier.

According to Dr. Richard Schulze, creator of the ‘Incurables’ health program and a wide variety of supplements, cold showers are one of three important healing tools for those who want to get well and have had a seemingly impossible time trying to get healthy.

Cold showers change the physiology of a human being at a profound level in just 15 to 20 minutes per day or less.

Because cold water can be a shock to the human system it’s recommend to consult with a doctor before trying, preferably a holistic-minded doctor.

Here are five benefits of cold showers to remember and recognize:

1. Greater Immunity- 

Cold showers bolster immunity according to a report from UCLA Health.

Even a couple of minutes going from a hot shower to a cold shower can help protect a person from circulating viruses and other harmful pathogens.

A study from the Netherlands found that people who took cold showers for 90 seconds per day over 90 days took sick days almost 30% less than other people.

2. Improved Circulation- 

Cold water showers increase circulation by forcing the body to strain itself.

The body goes into ‘survival mode’ and ramps up blood circulation in an effort to maintain core temperature.

People with diabetes or high blood pressure are among specific groups of people who could benefit from cold showers.


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3. Increased Metabolism- 

There is research on the metabolic health benefits of cold showers according to UCLA, although it is limited.

Those who practice cold showers consistently swears that it helps them to lose weight.

According to Washington Adventist University, cold showers contract the lymphatic system allowing fluids to be moved through the body.

4. Prevents Muscle Soreness- 

Athletes have been using ice baths for decades and cold showers are no different.

Cold water makes blood vessels tighten up as part of a process known as ‘vasoconstriction.’

Blood naturally becomes oxygen and nutrient rich as a result of this process.

When the body heats up and blood flows back to the tissues, it flushes out inflammation, a cause of delayed-muscle soreness.

5. Relieves Depression- 

A study found that those who take cold showers each day for several months improves symptoms of depression while decreasing anxiety and improving mood.

Cold showers cause a person to react quickly, shocking their system into a heightened state.


Cold Shower Temperature Recommendation

How cold your shower or bath should be depends on your perspective and level of experience.

The UCLA Health website recommends keeping the water below 60 degrees, and starting with 30 seconds of cold water. The goal is to reach two to three minutes of cold water exposure per session.

Athletic trainers from the university recommend a contrast shower post-workout, with three minutes of hot water followed by one minute of cold shower.

Repeat this pattern three times always end with the cold water.


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According to Stanford trained neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman, cold showers can range between 45 degrees and 60 degrees.

The colder the shower or bath, the less time that is needed for exposure to receive the benefits.

Learn more in the videos from Dr. Huberman and Danielle Hernandez of the Wall Street Journal below.



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Categories: Uncategorized.
About Nick Meyer

Nick Meyer is a journalist who's been published in the Detroit Free Press, Dallas Morning News and several other outlets. He founded AltHealthWORKS in 2012 to showcase extraordinary stories of healing and the power of organic living, stories the mainstream media always seemed to miss. Check out Nick's Amazon best-seller 'Dirt Cheap Organic: 101 Tips For Going Organic on a Budget' by clicking here, as well as its sequel Dirt Cheap Weight Loss.