Cortney Campbell was a newly married 26-year-old, who was looking forward to having children in the near future, when she received devastating news — she was diagnosed with Stage II Hodgkin’s lymphoma in October 2008. Her oncologist, as well as some of her family members, tried to pressure her into going through chemotherapy, but out of the long list of chemotherapy side effects, there was one she could not compromise with, the one that finalized her decision.
Chemotherapy was most likely to cause Cortney to become infertile. Instead of taking that risk, she and her husband researched natural treatments, heavily referencing the book Cancer-Free: Your Guide to Gentle, Non-toxic Healing until they created her treatment protocol, and found an oncologist who respected the family’s decision to go the natural route, and who’d monitor Cortney’s progress.
“First thing I would have wanted to know is that there are people that choose holistic cancer treatment and it works! That’s me. I’m still here. And there are hundreds more of us and growing,” writes Cortney on her blog
Cortney’s natural protocol included eating a raw organic vegan diet (with the exception of Ezekiel Bread); drinking green smoothies, Japanese Matcha green tea, and Essiac Tea; and taking strong vitamins and immune-boosting supplements.
By May 2009, she was in clinical remission, and while there were many parts in her treatment, there is one daily regimen that Cortney considers to be her number one cure.
“The thing I consider the most important thing that I did on a daily basis was The Johanna Budwig Protocol,” she told Chris Beat Cancer in an interview.
The Budwig Diet was created in the last century by a German biochemist, and it still saves the lives of many cancer patients today.
The Budwig Protocol: Why This Combination of Just Two Foods Works
Dr. Johanna Budwig, a revolutionary German biochemist, was nominated for awards for her work with cancer patients many times. While she never won, she left an important mark on the world when she created a diet that helps cure cancer with an estimated success rate proponents estimate at 80-93%.
Besides cancer, the Budwig Protocol can help patients struggling with arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, hormonal imbalances, and skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis; but it is most known for naturally treating cancer by using healthy fats.

Dr. Johanna Budwig was a revolutionary German biochemist, who created the Budwig Diet.
Dr. Budwig’s protocol was developed using her lifelong research on fatty acids. She discovered that processed fats and hydrogenated oils destroy the cell membranes in the body, which in turn lead to inflammation, disease, and cancers. The first step in Budwig’s Diet is to eliminate these unhealthy fats from our food.
The second step is to replace those fats with healthy fatty acids, essential polyunsaturated fatty acids such as Linoleic Acid (LA) and Linolenic Acid (LNA), to repair the broken cells, according to The Truth About Cancer.
[Click here to watch The Truth About Cancer now].The quickest way to do that is to eat a simple two ingredient mixture of cottage cheese and flaxseed oil.
“…When I wish to help a very sick patient, I must first give the most optimal oil I have. My opinion is flax seed oil,” Dr. Budwig wrote in her book.
Cottage cheese is rich in sulfur protein (the same sulfuric group that is often contained in cancer drugs) and saturated fats, while flaxseed oil is rich in unsaturated fats. Together, these two ingredients produce healing results: sulfur in cottage cheese binds together with unsaturated fatty acids in flaxseed oil making the mixture more soluble and easily absorbed into the cells, according to Dr. Josh Axe.
Cottage Cheese and Flaxseed Oil Recipe (with modifications)

Cottage cheese and flaxseed oil are the only two ingredients needed for the original recipe. PHOTO:
The recipe is easy; all it takes is to mix 6 ounces of cottage cheese and 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil for cancer prevention (or 8 tablespoons for treating cancer) together in a food processor (or a hand held immersion blender) until smooth. However, what is important is to choose these ingredients of high quality.
Many cottage cheeses sold today just like any other milk products, come from non-organic farms that use hormones, antibiotics, painkillers, and other drugs on the cows. It is also important to note that much of today’s milks comes from A1 cows – a genetic mutation that makes cows produce A1 Casein protein, which is responsible for inflammation and allergy reactions similar to gluten. When buying cottage cheese, make sure to choose organic that comes from grass-fed A2 cows.
Some people choose to use kefir or yogurt made from sheep or goat’s milk in place of cottage cheese.
When it comes to buying flaxseed oil, choose cold-pressed organic.
As an option, you may also add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and ¼ teaspoon black pepper to the mix, as these two ingredients together will help fight inflammation and increase absorption.
There are many other ways to modify the recipe as well. Because Cortney did not like the taste of either cottage cheese or flaxseed oil, she modified the recipes to the Strawberry Budwig smoothie, and Vanilla-Cinnamon Budwig smoothie.
Watch Cortney make the original recipe:
Budwig Diet Beyond Cottage Cheeses and Flaxseed Oil
The Budwig Diet has many other dietary guidelines to aid you in recovery from cancer or other health issues:
- Eliminate all processed foods, sugar, and meats
- Eat all food freshly prepared, do not leave leftovers as the nutritional content decreases, especially when it comes to juicing
- Drink plenty of purified water
- Receive natural sunshine
- Eat plenty of organic fruits and vegetables
- Use frankincense essential oil
The complete Budwig Diet guidelines along with 150 recipes can be found in the book The Budwig Cancer & Coronary Heart Disease Prevention Diet: The Complete Recipes, Updated Research & Protocols for Health & Healing.
Want to learn more about the most effective ways to prevent and beat cancer? Watch the Truth About Cancer, a 9-part documentary series, by clicking on this link.
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“I’ve Adopted a New Way of Life:” Stage III Thyroid Cancer Patient Healed Herself With THIS Diet
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