Some forces in the world are so strong that they overtake fear and pain with ease. Such is the incredible strength of a mother when protecting her children. When Carrie Blackwell’s son Deryn exhausted all options of modern medicine, she risked spending 14 years behind bars in an effort to [...]
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Archives for Cancer
Lead Writer of the Oscar-Winning Film “The King’s Speech” Beat His Cancer Using a Highly Unusual Method to Say the Very Least
When David Seidler, a well-known and talented British-American movie and television writer, was told his bladder cancer came back, he was devastated. The first time Seidler decided to decline chemotherapy and extensive surgery, reported the CNN. He chose minimal surgery and immune-boosting supplements, but that was not enough and [...]
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The Wireless Phone Industry’s Links to Cancer are the “New Tobacco Scandal” of the 21st Century, Prominent Public Health Researcher Says
Since cellphone use only started becoming popular in the 1990s, the general public has mostly been kept in the dark about risks. The heavy use of applications built around wireless networks 24/7 has become a relatively new trend. And while this technology is still in its newborn phase in [...]
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High School Student Wins Science Fair — Proves A Forgotten Native American Recipe Kills Cancer Cells in Just 24 HOURS
Our ancestors often hold forgotten knowledge of medicinal plants that could help treat illnesses and even aid in healing cancer if they were used today. But in the modern world, listening to personal experiences with herbs passed down to generations is not always enough. The scientific arm of society requests [...]
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Bluetooth Headphones Beam Electromagnetic Radiation Directly Into the Brain. Try These Radiation-Blocking Headphones
The wireless technology revolution has brought with it a ton of benefits, including hands-free speaking and listening for music lovers, as well as the ability to get wireless Internet on the go just about anywhere within miles of an average-sized city center. But the technology has also brought with [...]
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Seventh Grader Uses Green Tea to Make “Remarkable” Cancer Fighting Discovery for Science Fair Project
The cancer-fighting powers of natural foods are well known, but in a clinical setting, there are still huge hurdles to overcome and massive amounts of work to be done. Using natural food compounds in treating, assisting and healing cancer patients doesn’t exactly line up with the current paradigm: chemicals (like [...]
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Tiny Device Blocks EMFs With the Processing Power of a Microcomputer (Aires Tech Product Review)
It goes without saying, but we’re all incredibly distracted in today’s day and age by social media. It’s gotten so bad I’ve even considered switching to a flip phone just for the sake of my own mental health. It’s something I’ve thought an awful lot about personally, and [...]
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The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest Returns — An Exclusive Interview with Ty and Charlene Bollinger
Despite headlines that the standard practice of treating cancer with chemotherapy, radiation and other similar substances may actually make cancerous tumors more malignant, the beat goes on for the modern cancer industry, even at a time where people are contracting the disease at sky-high rates (1 in 3 men [...]
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“I Was Determined to Have (Him) Stop Harming People:” Man Risks Job to Expose Doctor Who Allegedly Prescribed Chemotherapy to Patients Without Cancer
As it stands, chemotherapy is one of the most difficult things anyone could have to go through on this Earth, especially when it comes to healthcare procedures. The potential side effects of this debilitating treatment include hair loss, nausea, vomiting, and according to recent research, it even has [...]
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