It goes without saying, but we’re all incredibly distracted in today’s day and age by social media. It’s gotten so bad I’ve even considered switching to a flip phone just for the sake of my own mental health. It’s something I’ve thought an awful lot about personally, and [...]
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Monthly Archives November 2018
Swap Out Your Favorite Junk Foods for These Six Foods Instead
It goes without saying, but food cravings are a pitfall for many diets, healthy lifestyles, and people battling food addictions. We usually know better than to reach for these foods, but giving in to these cravings is extremely common — and it usually happens because people don’t know which foods their [...]
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5 Lessons on Organic Farming and Sustainability from Cuba That Everyone Should Know
The term permaculture was shaped in the 1970s in Australia from two phrases and two movements: permanent culture and permanent agriculture. The founders Bill Mollison and David Holmgren wrote Permaculture One: A Perennial Agriculture for Human Settlements in 1978, which started educating people about its principles. Based on strong ethics [...]
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Multi-Million Dollar Organic Fraud Scheme Uncovered In America’s Heartland…Here’s What You Need to Know
Millions of people gladly pay premium prices for organic food every day, a growing trend based on the need to avoid carcinogenic chemicals in our food like Monsanto and Bayer’s Roundup. But despite the newfound faith and investment in organic food, fraudulent growers and sellers remain a major [...]
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How to Eat Organic on a Budget: The Top 5 Most Nourishing (and Cheap) Organic Foods
If you polled 100 people off the street with no prior warning about whether they prefer to eat organic food or food laced with synthetic pesticides like Monsanto and Bayer’s Roundup, odds are that the results would be decisive: a huge majority of them would choose organic food. [...]
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The Many Benefits of Switching to Organic Coffee: The Best Choice for Both Health and Environment
By Kathy Gallo In recent years, people have become more and more health-conscious. An important part of this is a growing awareness of what we eat and drink, and one of the most popular choices is going organic. Here we look at the benefits associated with organic coffee. What [...]
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Biggest Destruction of Market Capital in its Home Country’s History? Bayer Stock Takes a Nosedive After Monsanto Cancer Verdict is Upheld
As far as major chemical conglomerates go, it’s hard to top the newly formed Bayer-Monsanto mega corporation in terms of sheer size and market control. At the time of their merger, the two companies, now under the Bayer and Bayer Crop Science umbrellas, were expected to own more [...]
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