Via TrueHumanDiet/IG
Raw dairy products like raw cheese and raw milk are foundational sources of nutrition that have been utilized by humans for thousands of years to feed and nourish everyone from the eldest to the youngest members of society.
While raw dairy has a long history of safe and effective use among human beings, the prevailing dairy establishment strongly believes in and utilizes pasteurization, a heating technique that kills potentially harmful bacteria but also kills beneficial enzymes that make raw dairy more digestible and reduces the nutritional content of dairy products.
This past summer, a farm in Michigan was raided by government interests for its decision to sell raw dairy to the local community, oftentimes for the purposes of pet food.
Nourish Co-Op and co-owner Sarah Armstrong have been in the spotlight lately since the raid was carried out, with pictures and video surfacing showing the extent of the food waste that was created by government interests when they decided to go after the small, independent family farm.
Michigan Agents Raid Raw Dairy Cooperative
The story was told on the Instagram page ‘TrueHumanDiet’ during which scenes of a surprising amount of food waste were broadcast to the world, emenating from the Michigan based farm.
“This summer, uniform agents from Michigan’s Agricultural Department arrived at the Nourish Farm to seize and destroy their hard work,” the IG page said on January 5, 2025 about last summer’s raid.
“Why? Nourish still hasn’t been told,” the page continued.
“At Nourish, their raw milk was being sold for pet feed to their community. The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, or MDARD, had already cashed Nourish’s check for these pet food labels.
“But on May 28th, state authorities raided the farm, seizing thousands of dollars in raw dairy products they had already approved. When asked, an MDARD spokeswoman told Enjoyer, ‘Nourish Cooperative was found to be in violation of numerous Michigan statutes and associated regulations, though did not specify which ones.'”
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More Than 800 Butter Containers Trashed in Second Dumping
The agents continued to force the dumping of additional high value raw dairy products as they continued.
“MDARD agents forced a second dumping of natural milk sputters and creams on July 3rd, with over 800 containers of butters alone going into the trash.”
A member of the dairy co-op decided to speak up during the raid, asking an MDARD agent.
“Does this not hurt you at all?
“Seeing all of this go into the trash?” they reportedly asked.
In response, the farmers were instructed to take off product lids to ensure that nothing was salvagaeble.
The video was “liked” over 2,200 times as of the early hours of January 7, 2024, for the purposes of bringing the video to the forefront of Instagram and raising awareness.
View this post on Instagram
Readers React to Raw Milk, Butter Dumping
Readers had a wide range of opinions in the comments section as they reacted to the MDARD dumping in the state of Michigan.
“Imagine if they raided supermarkets for ultra-processed food,” one reader wrote.
“They legalized cigarettes, alcohol and junk foods but not Raw milk??? Haaa it’s because it’s good for us. They want us sick,” another reader wrote.
Another reader took things a step further.
“Getting rid of the purpose of cows. Doing away with farmers to control our food supply,” they said.
“I hope they sue the state of Michigan and governor personally. This is egregious,” another reader added.
Thank you for reading. The Nourish Cooperative, based in Marcellus, Michigan, can be found online here.
I personally buy pasture-raised and raw dairy products often including raw milk, beef tallow, protein and more.
Find my favorite pasture-raised goods including organic whey protein (with colostrum, the best tasting protein I’ve had) and more – find it here.
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