Between 1.8 and 10.1 percent of the world population has a food allergy according to recent estimates shared by, causing untold health problems.
To make matters worse, about 200,000 people go to the emergency room each year for food allergy related reasons.
The bad news is that food allergies are a serious concern, but the good news is that companies are finally beginning to put the health of their customers first by cutting out ingredients that could cause such issues.
One of them is the company Bliss Barz, which was founded by holistic doctor Matt Singer of the Integrative Holistic Center.
Recently I had a chance to try these bars. The following are my honest impressions.
Bliss Barz are Packed Full of Filling, Allergen-Free Nutrition
The first thing I noticed about these bars was their colorful, upbeat packaging.
The company takes great in the unhealthy ingredients not included in their products, and this list includes the following: GMOs, gluten, allergens and nuts.
While I do enjoy nuts in a protein bar, Bliss Barz chose not to include them which made for a wholly different eating experience.
Considering that unsoaked nuts may be irradiated and may contain phytic acid when not soaked, I understand their decision not to include them.
The ingredients in the Bliss Brownie bar are as follows: Protein Blend (Pea and Rice Protein), Tapioca Fiber, Allulose, Dutch Cocoa Powder, Rice Syrup, Grape Juice, Monk Fruit, Sunflower Lecithin, Chocolate Chips (Cocoa Beans, Allulose), Glycerin, Vanilla Extract, Safflower Oil, Cinnamon, Plant Fibers (Lemon, Pea, Potato, Plantain, Norwegian Kelp), Natural Flavor.
Altogether I like the diversity of ingredients in these bars, especially the inclusion of so many different types of plant fiber and the lack of refined sugar.
This bar had three grams of sugar total.
Upon tasting it, I quickly realized that this was unlike anything I had ever had. The bar was thicker and packed full of more nutrients than most I had ever tried. With 16 grams of protein it was definitely filling too.
The company’s other flavor, the Bliss Mint bar, included similar ingredients and also tasted fairly similar with more of a mint kick at the end.
The ingredients include: Protein Blend (Pea and Rice Protein), Tapioca Fiber, Allulose, Dutch Cocoa Powder, Rice Syrup, Grape Juice, Monk Fruit, Sunflower Lecithin, Chocolate Chips (Cocoa Beans, Allulose), Glycerin, Vanilla Extract, Safflower Oil, Cinnamon, Plant Fibers (Lemon, Pea, Potato, Plantain, Norwegian Kelp), Natural Flavor.
The company advertises its bars as the world’s best tasting allergy protein bar.
I must admit I expected something a little more decadent than what I ended up sampling.
That being said, these bars were quite delicious once I got used to the taste and the incredible thickness that they possessed. They require a lot of chewing to get through them the entire way and to digest them properly, something I can appreciate as someone who puts nutrition first in my daily food choices.
Final Thoughts on Bliss Barz
Overall, I enjoyed these bars very much.
The main pros are that they allergen-free and packed full of nutrition at both the micro and macro levels, including fiber and protein with a diverse assortment of unique ingredients. At 190 calories each, I could see myself taking these on a hike and feeling satiated most of the way without overconsuming calories.
These bars are incredibly nutrient dense and seem to provide more caloric nutrition than the package shows.
The main con is that I wish the ingredients were organic, although non-GMO is a great place to start.
If you’d like to learn more about Bliss Barz, check out the Bliss Barz website here.
Thanks so much for reading and thanks to Bliss Barz for providing these samples for review purposes!
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