Recently I had the chance to sample three different superfood powders from the company Miessence thanks to the generosity of a Facebook fan.
With so many different network marketing companies out there that claim to sell the best quality products, it can be hard to separate the good stuff from the marketing gimmicks, but I must say I was impressed with all these of these powders.
These three included the DeepGreen Alkalising (love those British spellings!) Superfood powder, the BerryRadical Antioxidant Superfood powder, and the InLiven Probiotic Superfood, all as part of a “Vitality Challenge Pack.”
Here’s a little more info about each one:
Deep Green Alkalising Superfood- I’ve tried a lot of green powders and this is definitely one of the best I’ve had so far. The all-organic ingredients list speaks for itself: Aphanizominon (freshwater algae) powder, chlorella, spirulina, wheatgrass, barley grass, alfalfa grass, oat grass, kamut grass, nettle, collard, kale and parsley.
The taste is a bit lighter than some other green superfood powders especially considering the algae such as spirulina which can have a thick, chalky aftertaste. I didn’t notice that too much.
Altogether this is a powerful formula for getting your greens in while not sacrificing convenience, and one of the more complete powders I’ve seen of its kind. The presence of true superfoods like the different algaes and grasses really sets it apart.
Berry Radical Antioxidant Superfood- This one comes with a bit of a surprise- Cacao flavor, courtesy of the raw unrefined cacao powder extract, the first ingredient here. Other organic ingredients include: dried coffee fruit extract, olive juice extract, pomegranate powder, acai berry powder, goji berry powder, blueberry powder, strawberry powder, and raspberry powder.
That’s a pretty sizable boost of antioxidants, and the taste is pretty unique and exceptional with the cacao thrown in. I put this in my smoothie pretty often and love it.
InLiven Probiotic Superfood- Probiotics are absolutely vital for achieving ideal health, especially as new research comes to light regarding the gut health-brain health connection.
This probiotic powder includes the complete Lactobacillus family of 13 strains, which is important because many people don’t get a wide enough variety of probiotics to support a healthy gut. The blend is created through the natural fermentation of over 20 organic whole foods for more than 3 weeks prior to being bottled.
I was having some digestive issues during the time I sampled the product, and it definitely seemed to help calm them and restore more balance (although I probably wasn’t as diligent as I should have been in taking this!).
Final Thoughts- Superfood Powders Review
Overall I must say I was impressed by the quality of these superfood powders and would strongly consider purchasing them myself in the future.
While I didn’t follow the 10-day challenge of taking all three powders and doing the self-assessment that comes with them, I did notice positive changes in my energy and mood even while taking these supplements sporadically.
When it comes to supplements I always advocate quality over quantity and making sure you invest in top-quality supplements rather than buying the adulterated junk on supermarket or department store shelves. In this case, these three superfood powders are definitely in that top tier when it comes to quality.
If you’d like to try out these supplements and/or the 10-day challenge, check out this link.
The company also offers some promising organic skincare options as well that are worth checking out.
Thanks to reader Jim Kueny for supplying the samples for this review and allowing me to try these products. If you have a holistic health company and would like to submit for review, feel free to email
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