Cholesterol has been a heated, controversial subject for decades, and because of the popularity of the “low fat” dietary lifestyle and its endorsement by government agencies, the connection between cholesterol and heart disease has been accepted as an iron-clad truth. But what if everything we knew about cholesterol [...]
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Monthly Archives June 2016
“Cruel and Unusual Punishment:” Veteran Faces Life in Prison for Growing Marijuana Plants to Treat Chronic Health Conditions
Lee Carroll Brooker, a disabled 76-year-old veteran, is calling his sentence a “cruel and unusual punishment” after he was sentenced to life in prison for growing three dozen marijuana plants behind his son’s house in Dothan, Alabama. The plants, he said, were for his personal use for treating [...]
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“Chemical Companies Are Killing Everything:” Man Packs Truck Full of 2.5 Million Dead Honey Bees for Cross Country Tour
While politicians and lawmakers continue to put forth the image that they’re working to save the bees, the facts on the ground remain the same: America’s pollinators are dying at an alarming rate. According to a recent report from the USDA, American beekeepers lost a shocking 44% of [...]
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FDA Says No Regulation Needed for “Healthier” New Sweetener Made from Genetically Engineered Yeast
As more and more people look for alternatives to beverages sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, and other unnatural sweeteners, big food corporations are doing everything in their power to stay one step ahead — without using higher-priced, quality ingredients whenever possible. While the clean [...]
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Soy Farmers in the U.S. Spend 88 Percent More on Pesticides Than They Did 6 Years Ago, Study Says
The Monsanto Company has repeated ad nauseum that one of the main goals of its GMO crops is to use less pesticide, along with “feeding the world (which one recent report debunked).” But newly released research from the 2015 National Ag Statistics Survey (NASS) has revealed that the pesticide [...]
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