Soy often gets a bad rap, and deservedly so in most cases.
After all, over 90% of soy has been genetically modified in the United States, and the popular so-called “health food” has been linked to causing liver damage when it is consumed in its highly-processed, toxic chemical soaked forms.
What most people don’t realize is that there is one particular type of soy that can be incredibly healthy in moderation: fermented soy.
Some of the most popular fermented soy products include miso soup, which has been shown to protect Japanese residents from radiation, and natto, a type of fermented soy that is one of the most highly concentrated sources of Vitamin K, a co-factor for better Vitamin D absorption.
Recently, research was shared on the health-bestowing properties of miso soup for reducing deaths from one of the most dreaded diseases: breast cancer.
As shared in a post from Ethan Evers of The Eden Prescription on Facebook, miso soup may be incredible helpful for preventing breast cancer related deaths.
According to one of the largest observational studies ever done in Japan, miso soup, taken in the form of just one bowl daily during adulthood, has been associated with an incredible 61% less risk for breast cancer death among women.
Miso has also been associated with 25% less heart disease death risk among women consuming it.
Miso is different from traditional soy in that it is fermented, improving its nutrient profile in several ways.
Miso soup is:
-Rich in Vitamin K2
-Rich in Peptides and Probiotics That May Boost Immune Function
-Capable of Reducing Inflammation and Regulating blood sugar
The effects of miso soup multiply when it is taken consistently, so consider making at least 1-3 cups of miso soup part of your daily health routine, and make sure it is organic since most soy is genetically modified (and heavily exposed to toxic pesticides and solvents).
Sources: Pubmed ID 18260705
The Eden Prescription on Facebook
Thanks for reading!
If you’d like to try organic miso soup, I recommend this one from Eden Organic. You can find on here by clicking on this link. You can also save big money on Organic products like Electrolytes, Organic superfood bars, and Organic Golden Milk (one of my absolute favorites) by clicking on this link (Huge Sale for Earth Day!)
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