There’s a lot more to the Monsanto Company than meets the eye: aside from its line of toxic herbicides and genetically engineered seeds, they’ve also been involved in everything from the production of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War to cancer-causing PCBs. While the company continually states that [...]
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Archives for Bayer
Study Finds U.S. Farmland Now 50 Times More Toxic to Bees Than Before GMOs Were First Introduced
In 1995, the first insecticide-producing GMO crop (corn) was officially by approved by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Now, nearly 25 years later, the American agricultural landscape has become a toxic, deadly minefield of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, poison-coated seeds called neonicotinoids, and other instruments of [...]
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Top 10 Bayer Products to Boycott Since the Company’s Merger with Monsanto
The Bayer corporation has officially become the “new Monsanto,” having bought the St. Louis-based agrochemical and GMO company in June of last year. Since then, many activists have been calling for a boycott of the company and its products. But Bayer’s products, including their best-selling aspirin pills, prescription [...]
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Breaking News: Bayer Stock Has Now Lost Almost 50% of Its Value Since Merger With Monsanto
Bayer’s purchase of Monsanto was originally seen as a smart one for the German company because of their similar business models based on GMO seeds and pesticides. But now, after the company was just ordered to pay over $2 billion dollars to two cancer victims over the use [...]
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Breaking News: Monsanto Ordered to Pay Over $2 BILLION to Cancer Victims After Latest Verdict
A California jury has ordered Monsanto to pay up after 17 days of testimony in the case of a couple both suffering from separate cancers in connection with their long-term use of Roundup. Alberta Pilliod, who was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma brain cancer in 2015, and her husband [...]
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Biggest Destruction of Market Capital in its Home Country’s History? Bayer Stock Takes a Nosedive After Monsanto Cancer Verdict is Upheld
As far as major chemical conglomerates go, it’s hard to top the newly formed Bayer-Monsanto mega corporation in terms of sheer size and market control. At the time of their merger, the two companies, now under the Bayer and Bayer Crop Science umbrellas, were expected to own more [...]
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Monsanto Accused of Creating “Fake Farmers Groups” in Europe to Prevent Infamous Cancer-Linked Chemical from Being Banned
Recently, a changing of the guard of sorts happened in Monsanto’s home city of St. Louis, as the company’s infamous signs were taken down and replaced by those of Bayer’s new GMO American GMO crops division, which expects an operating budget in the billions of dollars next year. But while [...]
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Bayer Takes Over Monsanto HQ, Pumps Billions Into New GMO Crop Division
The Bayer-Monsanto merger has been in he final stages for the past for months, with one major hangup: the two companies have not been allowed to share business information as part of the Department of Justice’s pre-merger requirements. But now, Bayer and Monsanto executives have finally had a [...]
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Vietnam Could Use Monsanto Cancer Verdict As Legal Precedent for Massive New Lawsuit, Top Government Official Says
The chickens have come home to roost, so to speak, for the Bayer-owned Monsanto Company, and this time one of the biggest skeletons in its closet is being paraded out for the world to see. Amid reports that hundreds of additional people are suing the company alleging its Roundup [...]
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Shares of Bayer AG Plummet to Lowest Level in Nearly Seven Years After Monsanto Loses Landmark Cancer Trial
The Bayer AG company is often seen in a positive light because so many people have relied on its aspirins and drugs for years, but few people know the true history. The Germany chemical and drug giant was once a part of IG Farben, which played a key [...]
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