Meat grown in labs has been a hot topic of conversation for the last seven years, with some media outlets hailing it as the future of food and a “cleaner” way to do meat. But when the real thing hits supermarket shelves, will customers be kept in the dark [...]
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Monthly Archives May 2023
They Said That This Fruit Was 10,000 Times Stronger Than Chemo. Here is What They Didn’t Tell You
In today’s social media-dominated world, one well-placed health graphic can practically start a revolution. One of the most popular graphics making the rounds online today praises the health benefits of Graviola, the super fruit/herb/tree from the Amazon Rainforest, and its “powerful effects at stopping cancer.” As the popular viral graphic [...]
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“Very Powerful Evidence of Tumors:” Concerned Senator Calls Out Feds, Demands Answers on 5G-Cancer Link
The new 5G wireless network from companies like AT&T and Verizon promises faster speeds and more connectivity for the customer, but is it actually, well, safe? According to one senator from Connecticut, we still don’t know yet — even with thousands of the smaller new towers expected to [...]
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This Is The Biggest Environmental Problem You’ve Never Heard Of. And It’s A HUGE Part Of Your Life
Plastic pollution has had a devastating effect on the environment with its sources ranging from plastic containers to various products we used every day like toothbrushes and glasses. However, there is one source of plastic pollution that is not often discussed. Clothes, synthetic clothes that are made from toxic plastic [...]
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This Plant is a Powerhouse for Digestion. Lowers Blood Sugar and Helps Weight Loss By Preventing the Conversion of Carbs Into Sugar
As fate would have it, some of the most effective healing substances come in unexpected packages. One of the most unknown and underestimated super foods comes from the leaves of a tropical plant that is widely consumed by many people on vacation, but almost never consumed back home. Guava Leaf [...]
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