The Oil That Lowers Blood Pressure, Prevents Heart Palpitations and Decreases Anxiety

Clary Sage Oil for Heart Palpitations and Blood Pressure Balance

Photo via Medical News Today


Essential oils are concentrated plant essences with the the ability to affect the human physiology in profound ways.

One area in which a particular type of essential oil shines is in reducing blood pressure, relieving anxiety, and increasing feelings of calmness and relaxation.

This oil is not listed among top five nutrients that greatly improve heart health, but it can have a profound effect on the health of anyone suffering from heart palpitations or health challenges.

It helps to soothe those who inhale it, similar to a popular variety of red tea.

It’s often included in relaxation essential oil blends because of its ability to decrease the number of heartbeats per minute in people with elevated heart rates.

The oil is Clary Sage, and it includes a heavenly scent and medicinal properties that are still being discovered.


Clary Sage Calms a Racing Heart

A study published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Plant Medica, the official journal of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, found that Clary Sage is marvelously effective at slowing the heart rates of both men and women with elevated levels.

Known by its scientific name Salvea sclarea, Clary Sage oil was put to the test in vitro in 2020 to test its effects on the pulse rates of men and women.

The oil of Clary Sage was inhaled by both men and women, leading to decreased pulse rate over a time period of 30 minutes. The effect was “significantly stronger” in women than in men. Women who applied it topically experienced increase heart rates, but further studies have shown that Clary Sage calms the user in myriad ways.

Another study found that Clary Sage oil significantly decreased systolic blood pressure in women dealing with urinary incontinence issues.

The effect of Clary Sage oil was stronger than lavender oil, although both oils significantly reduced blood pressure rates and slowed down breathing, leading to increased relaxation.

Clary Sage for Anxiety

Clary Sage oil was also listed by as one of nearly 20 oils that help to lower blood pressure.

“(The oil) can reduce anxiety levels and thus lower blood pressure,” the website stated, including Clary Sage alongside familiar oils Frankincense, Citronella, Rose oil and Lemon Balm oil.



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Growing Clary Sage In Your Home Garden

Clary Sage is an annual with brilliant pink and purple flowers that is sometimes called “painted sage.”

It is from the Lamiaceae plant family and is native to the Mediterrean.

Clary Sage is a hardy plant in Zones 5 through 9 on U.S. maps and will grow almost anywhere except in shade and waterlogged soils. It prefers full sunlight and gardens with good quality soil.

Watch a video on growing Clary Sage below:

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Final Thoughts on Clary Sage Essential Oil

Clary Sage oil  reduces anxiety and feelings of worry while causing feelings of clarity and calmness. It also increases libido in both men and women.

Clary Sage can reduce feelings of dizziness and irritability. It sometimes has a mild sedative effect, similar to chamomile, but I didn’t notice it will using it recently for about a month long period.

If you haven’t had a chance to try Clary Sage oil yet, I highly recommend checking it out. It’s one of my new favorite essential oils because of its ability to help me de-stress.


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About Nick Meyer

Nick Meyer is a journalist who's been published in the Detroit Free Press, Dallas Morning News and several other outlets. He founded AltHealthWORKS in 2012 to showcase extraordinary stories of healing and the power of organic living, stories the mainstream media always seemed to miss. Check out Nick's Amazon best-seller 'Dirt Cheap Organic: 101 Tips For Going Organic on a Budget' by clicking here, as well as its sequel Dirt Cheap Weight Loss.