One of the best parts about running a natural health website is being able to sample some of the finest and healthiest products around, whether they be foods, supplements, or health gadgets. Recently, a reader named Jim shared a surprisingly unique new coffee variety with me called Nova [...]
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Monthly Archives June 2021
Russia Suspends Outside Shipments of Animal and Pet Food Due to “Unregistered GMOs”
The United States is at the forefront of several different frontiers in the world of agriculture, but one of the most controversial is its unwavering support for genetically modified organisms. In regards to pet food, there have been several “natural” companies springing up in recent years, seeking to [...]
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Genetically Modified Fish Poised to Hit the Market as First Salmon is Sold by Philadelphia-Based Company
The genetically modified salmon debate has been going on for years, with proponents saying that the new lab created fish will make for faster and more cost-effective production, and opponents pointing out the lack of long-term safety testing as well as potential environmental hazards of the fast growing [...]
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Six Cancer Cell Destroying Plants Most People Have Never Heard Of (with Study Links)
As the interest in natural health has piqued, more and more people have begun to seek natural alternatives and supplementary herbs and plants that haven’t quite hit the mainstream. Considering that there are many tens of thousands of plants that still haven’t been adequately studied yet for their [...]
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“You Can’t Do It Just Because of Money:”40,000 Acre Farm Silences the Doubters By Going Organic
The world of organic farming is a complicated one in large part because many of the traditional ways have been lost. While traditional soil-focused natural farming has been the way the world has fed itself for generations, the post-World War II era of pesticides and GMOs has led [...]
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U.S. Farmers Step Up to the Plate, Offer to Supply Mexico with Non-GMO Corn After President’s Ban
As the United States media continues to focus on the coronavirus, vaccinations, and political theater, a battle is unfolding in Mexico over genetically engineered corn. Mexico shocked the U.S. agribusiness world recenlty by announcing a ban on the cancer-linked glyphosate herbicide produced by Bayer/Monsanto as well as a [...]
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Updated List for 2021: The Top 15 GMO Foods to Recognize and Avoid Whenever Possible
The genetically modified food experiment was first unleashed on the unsuspecting public in the mid-1990s with the FlavrSavr tomato, a product that was ultimately rejected and removed from the market. Since then, the creation of new-spliced genetically engineered crops and foods has continued, as detailed in documentaries like ‘GMO OMG!,’ [...]
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Entrepreneur Launches Organic Wine Startup With Goal of Providing a Full-Fledged Sommelier Experience at Home
Organic food has exploded in popularity, but one sector that hasn’t quite caught onto the growing trend is the wine industry. While organic food is now found everywhere from Walmart to drug stores, organic wines are few and far-between. The focus on filling that gap, and providing a high end [...]
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Cannabis Company Does Something Entirely Expected That Could Pave the Way for the FIRST GMO of Its Kind
The genetically modified food experiment has continued on without clear, common sense text based labeling for decades since it was first introduced without our consent in the mid-1990s, kicking off with the failed “FlavrSavr” tomato experiment. Since then, GMOs have become commonplace in the American diet at a [...]
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Breast Implants Still Cause Life Threatening Side Effects Decades After Dow Corning Scandal, Survivors Warn
About 400,000 women undergo breast augmentation surgery each year, 75 percent of whom do so for cosmetic reasons and the rest for reconstruction after breast cancer, according to the Washington Post. These women place the utmost confidence in professionals that their health will be protected, but are the risks [...]
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